Kappa Omicron Chi Fraternity

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Name: Kappa Omicron Chi Fraternity
Leadership: Senior Members
Area: Metropolis University
World: Superia

Kappa Omicron Chi Fraternity is a student organization at Metropolis University.

Physical Description

Dominating the lot rises an old four-story fire house that once serviced the area. Built of the stereotypical red brick, the building has been restored to look almost like it had been pulled directly out of the past when it was brand new. Except that instead of the fire house designations, Kappa Omicron Chi designations sit in their place.

The lawn of the firehouse is sparse on the sides and in back, leaving the front lawn the primary outdoor location. It's just large enough to hold a moderately-sized outdoor event and has plenty of space for an outdoor party. Access to the kitchen is free via large doors on the side, where dinners can be sought for events or other prepared items can be stored until needed. The old fire house garage doors are often left open, leading directly into the frat house's ground floor party room.

Behind the old fire house is a parking lot with assigned parking spaces for the residents and another half as many public spaces. There is a small shed out back that used to hold utility accesses, but since those have since moved inside, it's now mostly just storage.