Flash Thompson

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Full Name:
Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Agent Anti-Venom
Student/Reserve SHIELD Agent/Hero
Young Adult
"The Reason" by Zayde Wolf
High school jock turned SHIELD agent turned symbiote host turned college student/SHIELD reserve agent/superhero.


Flash Thompson, jock bro by day, science student by night, and superhero when necessary. A complicated individual who likes to have fun, appreciates the necessity to be be serious at times, and understands why the fight is important yet why restraint must often be utilized. Most of the time he's content to be the happy-go-lucky good-natured jocky college student, even when with the science nerds. When there's a threat, though, he'll be there to protect his friends and acqaintences and strangers and even his enemies if he has to. Anti-Venom is rather reserved and content to lie unheard, letting Flash be their voice most of the time.


Flash Thompson, aka Agent Anti-Venom

Eugene Thompson, nicknamed Flash due to his speed on the football field, was born to police officer Harrison Thompson and his wife Rose. Flash became something of a bully at school due to issues at home, though calmed down quite a bit later on when his home life stabilized. When high school was over, his idolization of Spider-Man inspired him to do his part for the country. On his way to the Army recruiter, he was drawn to a SHIELD Academy recruitment spiel and went there instead. His determination, physical prowess, and aptitude for anatomy and biochemistry got him a spot at the academy.

Flash excelled at his training, and he was expected to make a good field agent. But his very first mission after graduating the academy was almost Murphy's Law in practice. He was sent with a team to retrieve a stolen sample from SHIELD's labs. When the team arrived, the rogue scientist who stole the sample was in the middle of an experiment. He was meaning to use his Anti-Venom serum on the stolen sample, a piece of the symbiote Venom that SHIELD had obtained and kept secure, or tried to keep secure. The symbiote fragment lashed out, though, and the arrival of the SHIELD team caused the scientist to lose containment of the symbiote fragment. The piece of Venom targeted newbie Agent Thompson and bonded with the young man. This bonding with a mad fragment took its toll on Flash and his body aged a few years before he brought the insane fragment under his control.

The scientist, seeing the bonded pair tried to remedy the situation by throwing a canister of his Anti-Venom serum on Flash. But instead of killing the symbiote fragment, it mutated it. With the symbiote turning white and gaining more monstrous features, Flash fought to regain control but he and the symbiote fell unconscious. When he woke up, he found he was fine and the symbiote had grown from a fragment of Venom into a whole symbiote of its own mind. Naming itself Anti-Venom, the symbiote and Flash found they were bonded at an extreme level to each other. Flash and SHIELD agreed that Flash needed maybe a bit of time away and Flash retained status as a reserve member of SHIELD while he went to college as a human anatomy and biochemistry student. Taking on the moniker Agent Anti-Venom, Flash sometimes is called into SHIELD missions and sometimes goes out on his own superheroic hijinks.