John Zatara

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Full Name:
Giovanni "John" Zatara
Doctor Fate
Avatar of Nabu the Wise
Quote-open.png I am...Zatara. Tonight, you will witness mysteries, you will doubt your senses, perhaps your very sanity. Some among you may call it magic. But only Zatara will know the real...from the unreal. Quote-close.png
— Himself
John Zatara was a master illusionist, famously in the same league as Harry Houdini or Sargon the Sorcerer. Zatara vanished some time before 1950, only to resurface in the 1980s. Some might know that he has a daughter, Zatanna. He has faded into retirement in recent years. Doctor Fate is the manifestation of Nabu the Wise, a powerful Lord of Order and one of the most mystically potent beings in the universe. Fate serves as a physical avatar for Nabu's power.


John Zatara is the ultimate showman, a man who held audiences spellbound across generations with his performances as an illusionist. He's also a man of mystery, one of the heroes who has defended the world since around World War II. The man behind the tux is bold, big-hearted, and an enthusiastic lover of life. Old enough now to have had many of his rougher edges smoothed out by time and experience, and coupled with his sensitive and empathic nature, this makes him an excellent teacher. At once a classic gentleman but also in touch with his own emotions, he manages to be old-fashioned while still forward-thinking enough to hold sensibilities suited to even a quite progressive thinker. Touched by Fate, he has become perhaps a bit more wizardly and eccentric thanks to Nabu's influence, but for the most part he has remained entirely true to himself. That same theatricality that makes him so effective on stage also makes him particularly good at playing up the role of the wise, timeless sage, but it also lets him lend a certain inimitable panache to all that he does.


More than ten billion years ago, Nabu the Wise was born as one of the fundamental elemental forces of the universe, the Lords of Order. Long existing in the realm of Cilia, he descended to Earth during the time of ancient Egypt and became entwined in the world of the pharaohs. He was involved in many dealings during these ancient times, but eventually, as the Egyptian dynasty faded, Nabu too vanished from the world. Centuries later, an archaeologist and his son uncovered a temple in the Egyptian desert. There, they encountered the entombed spirit of Nabu, who awakened and claimed the young boy as his avatar.

In the early Twentieth Century, in the United States of America, Giovanni Zatara was mastering the art of stage illusionism, taught from the age of fifteen by his grandfather, Luigi Zatara, who was a legend of the previous century. A born sorcerer of the homo magi, Giovanni used his powers to help others while building his own reputation as one of the world's greatest illusionists. Zatara became one of the World War II era mystery men who formed the group called the Justice Society of America. Zatara joined the JSA on many adventures, even destroying one foe and causing a wash of temporal energies that would thrust various members of the team forward through time and into an uncertain future.

Returned to Earth during the the 1980s, John and his wife, Sindella, conceived a daughter, Zatanna. Sindella vanished afterward, apparently dying, and from that day forth Zatara doted on his daughter. He took her on tour with him and taught him all he knew, and by the year 2000 he was billing her as the main attraction at their shared shows. By 2010, he had almost completely retired from public life.

What few knew is that, around that time, Zatara took part in the fight against a great evil that attacked the Earth. In the course of the fighting, Doctor Fate was greatly injured, requiring him to pass his helmet on to Zatara. For some years, Nabu trained his new host to take up the role. Now, Zatara returns to the world as the mystery man called Doctor Fate.