And who said your friend Batman was the great detective? |
— Himself |
A famous figure with a notable stage presence, Zachary Zatara is known as the world's greatest and most popular teenaged magician. Like the rest of the Zatara family, he claims his lineage from the descendants of ancient Atlantis, also known as the homo magi.
Zach usually gives the impression of not caring much about anything, of being over it before it happens. Much of this is a carefully-constructed facade to hide inner pain, but it's also genuinely become part of his personality: he's a little arrogant sometimes, a little demanding, and not really bothered by much. Those who take the time to know him and become a real friend, however, will find him much more sensitive and considerate and, probably, learn to appreciate his unconventional sense of humor. He is profoundly loyal to those few he trusts enough to call friend, although he is also sometimes able to fool even them in order to play a longer game in the interest of protecting them. He is harshly critical and fairly cynical, but deep down, he wants to believe the best of people, even if he doesn't expect it to be a reality.
Zachary Zatara was born into the respected Zatara line, the child of a couple who attempted to hide their homo magi heritage. Zach ended up raised mostly by his uncle John and cousin Zatanna, however, when he was left an orphan at an early age. He learned both stage magic and real sorcery from them, preparing himself for a stage career and ready for whatever incidental adventures presented themselves.
FIGHTING - Novice: Zach has basic self-defense and hand-to-hand combat training. He tends to rely more on his magic, but he can get by in a fight.
PERFORMANCE - Expert: Zach is a world-class performer and commands large crowds. He knows how to play an audience, understands the value of misdirection, and further is able to direct a group's attention with his presence alone. He doesn't need an audience to perform, though: he's just as good performing for an audience of one, in terms of subterfuge, acting, deception, charm, and manipulation. He has a trained voice and can sing well enough, but it's not a primary focus.
POLYGLOT - Competent: Zach is trained in a number of languages and able to use magic for translation when necessary. Most of his linguistic studies concentrate on ancient languages, for magical research. He is actively fluent in English and backwards speech, his spellcasting focus.
RESEARCH - Competent: Even if Zach doesn't know the answer, he can find it. Whether occult or mundane, he is good at research and putting pieces of information together to lead him to the conclusion he needs.
RESOLVE - Expert: Zach's willpower and self-confidence is pretty legendary, at times bordering on arrogance. It doesn't matter what venues he plays, what pay he's getting, or what company he's in; he knows he's good and he's well aware of his miraculous abilities. Superman? Overrated. Demon lords? Whatever. It's rare that he doubts himself significantly.
STAGE MAGIC - Expert: Trained by the legendary Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zach is a world-class stage magician and can perform dazzling feats of misdirection, sleight-of-hand, and escape. These abilities, of course, are not restricted to the stage, which means that he's not easily trapped, bound, or without resources, especially when dealing with enemies who aren't sure what to expect. Sometimes the answer, he knows, is not sorcery, but instead nothing more than simple misdirection or nimble fingers.
HOMO MAGI - Basic: As a member of the Homo Magi race, Zach has a natural command of magic and an inclination towards it. He can sense magic and magical beings in the area and greater sources of power at larger distances. He is also able to sense other Homo Magi and specifically distinguish them from other magic-users. As a Homo Magi, Zach has greater fortitude than an average human, a modicum of disease resistance, and ages much more slowly.
MAGIC - Supreme: Zach is one of the foremost mages in the world, and while he has yet to reach his full potential, he can already command magic through force of will. The focus he and his family line use is backwards speech, which allows them greater certainty of success. The words they speak or write do not have to be the intended effect of the spell, but that is often used since it is easiest. His list of spells is extensive, including but not limited to: elemental control; mental manipulation; teleportation and portals (including interdimensional); energy constructs and barriers; illusions and dispelling illusion; flight; transformation and transfiguration; and eldritch bolts.
Every spell requires willpower and focus, with greater effect demanding proportionally greater effort. Zach is especially gifted at affecting inanimate objects, but he is less able to affect complex living beings for a comparable degree of permanence. The less complex a living being, the more permanent a direct spell can be. He can, however, indirectly affect even complex living beings if such an option is available.
SHADOWBRAKE A mystical mansion hidden from the eyes of the unmagical, Shadowbrake exists in its own little pocket, slightly removed from conventional reality. The house has something of a mind of its own, although it seems to like Zach. It has a number of standard rooms, but others not often used may come and go at the house's whim, switching out with others and appearing when needed. It is warded against attack and hostile parties, and it is extremely difficult to damage, as well as being self-repairing.
ZATARA LINE Zachary is part of the Zatara line and, as such, has the prestige that goes with that distinguished lineage. He also maintains a strong relationship with others of his family.
ARROGANCE Sometimes Zach goes overboard on the confidence and can get in over his head. His ego might not let him stop until it's too late and, by then, it's that much more difficult to resolve the situation.
HOMO MAGI Being one of the homo magi race has its drawbacks, perhaps the most significant of which is the resentment from those who are not naturally so inclined towards the command of magic. Others may have to work much harder or compromise and sacrifice greatly, while the homo magi find it far less of an ordeal.
SDRAWKCAB SLLEPS! Zach typically needs to speak or write the purpose of his spell backwards, although this is only a focus. However, this focus is the best and simplest way to ensure a spell turns out as intended. Without his focus, a spell may or may not turn out exactly as intended or might not work at all; however, small-scale, simple spells and utilitarian spells, as well as regular spells, tend to work even without the focal component.
ZATARA LINE Although he doesn't tend to actively pursue old rivalries or relationships, Zach may still be targeted by foes, even ancient ones, for no reason other than his lineage.