Zachary Zatara

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Full Name:
Zachary Zatara
The Great Zatara
World's Greatest and Most Popular Teenaged Magician
Quote-open.png And who said your friend Batman was the great detective? Quote-close.png
— Himself
A famous figure with a notable stage presence, Zachary Zatara is known as the world's greatest and most popular teenaged magician. Like the rest of the Zatara family, he claims his lineage from the descendants of ancient Atlantis, also known as the homo magi.


Zach usually gives the impression of not caring much about anything, of being over it before it happens. Much of this is a carefully-constructed facade to hide inner pain, but it's also genuinely become part of his personality: he's a little arrogant sometimes, a little demanding, and not really bothered by much. Those who take the time to know him and become a real friend, however, will find him much more sensitive and considerate and, probably, learn to appreciate his unconventional sense of humor. He is profoundly loyal to those few he trusts enough to call friend, although he is also sometimes able to fool even them in order to play a longer game in the interest of protecting them. He is harshly critical and fairly cynical, but deep down, he wants to believe the best of people, even if he doesn't expect it to be a reality.


Zachary Zatara was born into the respected Zatara line, the child of a couple who attempted to hide their homo magi heritage. Zach ended up raised mostly by his uncle John and cousin Zatanna, however, when he was left an orphan at an early age. He learned both stage magic and real sorcery from them, preparing himself for a stage career and ready for whatever incidental adventures presented themselves.