Jesen Shardscar

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Full Name:
Jesen Shardscar
Knight Captain of Crossroad Keep
Knight Captain of Crossroad Keep. Warlock of substantial power, whose bloodline traces back to powerful demon lords and Tiamat herself. A guardian of the gates between worlds, charged with making certain none bar the passage between realities. Jesen Shardscar is a powerful Warlock, grandson of Tiamat, wielder of The Silver Sword of Gith, and Knight Captain of Crossroad Keep. Charged with higher powers to maintain the gateways between the Crystal Spheres of various realities.


Jesen Shardscar is not one to mince words or actions. While fully capable of diplomacy, and recognizing it has a place. He is not one to abuse it, particularly in the face of hostility or ignorance. That is when dimplomacy has failed, and eldritch intimidation is like as not to come into play. He has no issues with using his appearance, powers, and in some places his reputation to that end.

Through his life Jesen has always sought a place to fit in, to belong. As the Knight Captain of Crossroad Keep he discovered that, and then it was all stripped away quickly. He walked through worlds, through Hell itself, to get it back. Along the way reforging himself, as surely as he once did his the artifact that helped give him his name. Stronger, and more focused than ever on keeping his home and those he counts as his friends safe and secure.


Jesen Shardscar hails from the world of Toril, called by some The Forgotten Realms. He was born in a small village named West Harbor, not far from the city of Neverwinter. Those days would be remembered in the realms as the prelude to many great calamities. The first of which Jesen himself became involved in in his late teens.

Only days after Jesen had been born, a battle took place in West Harbor. In that conflict Jesen's mother and a number of other's perished. Jesen himself was scarred by a shard of an artifact, The Silver Sword of Gith. The weapon used to fight the King of Shadows, the aggressor in the battle. The shard was left embedded in his chest, but he miraculously survived. Now an Orphan, he was raised by an elven ranger named Daeghun. He had once adventured with Jesen's mother and had lost his wife in the attack as well. Jesen's earliest memories were screaming in agony in his crib, and a mysterious woman with hair like the night sky, stars twinkling within it, soothing him gently.

After the fateful battle, West Harbor had a festival each year on the anniversary of it, celebrating the resiliance of the harbormen. Jesen and his friends competed in quite a few of them. On his 17th birthday, he and his friends won the four events and became grand champions of the festival. That night, after the festival, the town was attacked by a group led by a githyanki, a native of the astral plane, in search of an unnamed object. In the attack many of Jesen's friends were slain. Afterward Daeghun sent him to retrieve a mysterious silver shard from a nearby cave, which Daeghun had left there after the defeat of the King of Shadows. He was to bring it to Neverwinter. On this quest, Jesen met a number of allies whom became fast friends. He also learned things he had not known about his mother and his birth. Such as how she had been violated by a powerful demon, a son of Tiamat no less, and then gone to stay with an old ally through the difficult pregnancy. Jesen resolved to learn more of his father, as soon as time permitted.

Jesen's quest led him from a sage in Neverwinter named Aldannon, to Shandra Jerro. She was the descendent of a dead warlock named Ammon Jerro, and had been kidnapped by githyanki. They managed to rescue Shandra and learned that the shards, which by this point they had found a number of, were pieces of the Silver Sword of Gith--the very same type of shard that Jesen carried one of next to his heart.

Soon after that revelation, Jesen and his allies discovered that an evil wizard from Luskan, Black Garius, was plotting to subsume the power of the King of Shadows, who had apparently been defeated, but not destroyed. Jesen was framed by Black Garius' henchmen for the murder of an entire village, and only by making him a noble in Neverwinter was he able to avoid a death penalty, until he could clear his name. In time Jesen and his allies defeated Garius, and he was rewarded with a stronghold and the title Knight Captain by Lord Nasher of Neverwinter. Crossroad Keep became his new home, and the base of operations for him and his allies.

As the keep was being restored, another twist in the search for the truth about the shards was discovered. The warlock Ammon Jerro was in fact still alive! Tracking Ammon down led to an inadvertant conflict in which Shandra was killed. Repenting for the loss of his descendant, Jerro joined the group. From him Jesen learned a great deal more. Ammon Jerro was the warlock who fought the King of Shadows seventeen years previously in West Harbor. He had weilded the Silver Sword of Gith when it was sundered, embedding a piece of it next to Jesen's heart. Jesen also learned something of the the King of Shadows and that the one weapon strong enough to destroy it had been lost: The Silver Sword of Gith.

As Crossroad Keep was completed, it was tested by the Shadow Reavers, a sect of powerful undead mages that included a revived Black Garius as their leader. Garous was still intent on calling forth the King of Shadows. Through fortifying the Keep, it's troops, and lands, as well as with the aid of Neverwinter. Crossroad Keep stood firm, and the undead army was repelled. The conflict led to the discovery of more shards of the Silver Sword of Gith, and a daring plan was hatched. On the very spot where the artifact had been sundered on that fateful night seventeen years before. Under the guidance of his allies, the shards were reformed once more by Jesen's willpower. The reforged Silver Sword of Gith, though, was different: Jesen Shardscar was now the heart of the artifact itself, inextricably linked to the blade, which had become altered to better suit his powers and needs. But it was still the only weapon that could resist the enemy's power.

When the final conflict came, the Silver Sword of Gith blazed with Jesen's eldritch power, and ultimately the King of Shadows fell. The ruins of old Illefarn beneath the Mere of Dead Men began to cave in around them, prompting a desperate dash to attempt and outrun certain doom. But even as Jesen winged through the collapsing corridors, mysterious forces snatched him up to the far side of the continent, and a new adventure.

Jesen awoke alone, without his sword, in an underground barrow in Rashemen, far from the Sword Coast he had always called home. There, through a new series of adventures, he discovered that he had been cursed to become a spirit-eater, an accursed being who must feed upon feys and elementals (and sometimes mortal souls) just in order to survive! Jesen sought to learn more about this curse he had been inflicted with, and along the way met other allies to assist him. Including Gannayev-of-Dreams, Gann for short, an attractive blue skinned hag-spawn with whom there was a mutual attraction. His quest took him eventually to Nefris's Academy, a school of the Red Wizards of Thay, where Jesen once again met Ammon Jerro. He had attempted to follow when Jesen was taken, and was imperiled by several Pit Fiends. After Jesen rescued Jerro, the warlock agreed to assist Jesen in overcoming his curse. In the deepest heart of the academy, Jesen entered a portal to the Astral Plane. There he met Myrkul, the former god of the dead, now just a shadow of what he had been before his own "death" during the time of troubles. Myrkul bragged that it was he that had originated the curse. Originally for an unfaithful priest ages before. Myrkul was particularly pleased as the terror that Spirit Eater still caused in the world kept his divine spark alive. Jesen, in outrage, made that a moot point by turning the Spirit Eater on its creator, suffusing himself with that spark of divinity, and ridding the world of Myrkul's evil once and for all.

Returning from the Astral Plane, Jesen met the Founder of the Academy Nefris. The Founder admitted that she was responsible for Jesen's plight. When he reforged the Silver Sword of Gith, she had felt it. She wanted to use him to end the spirit-eater curse once and for all. She returned the silver sword of Gith to Jesen, now fully reforged with the shard from within his body once more a part of the blade. As he touched it, the bond between him and the blade was made whole, as the sword itself had been. Never again would they be separated, he could call it to him at will. The blade also allowed him to open the Betrayer's Gate, to travel to the realm of the dead to recover his own soul, which had been displaced by the curse. There Jesen found the City of Judgment, ruled by the current God of the Dead, Kelemvor Lyonsbane. Jesen mustered forces and led them to lay seige to the City of the Dead. After the battle, Jesen learned where his own soul was located and wrested it from the Wall of the Faithless. However, the god Kelemvor passed a harsh judgement on Jesen for the temerity of attacking the City of the Dead, casting him out to walk other planes and seek a way to return home once more. Worse, he stripped away the power Jesen