Crossroad Keep

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Crossroad Keep
Magical Stronghold

CROSSROAD KEEP - Crossroad Keep is the large fortified keep which Jesen Shardscar is the Knight Captain of. Once located only on Toril, much changed when Jesen became the Keeper of the Crossroads. Now a mirror of the original Crossroad Keep exists in The Astral Sea. From there Jesen may invoke it on new worlds, in essence reopening that world to the Astral Sea and all other realities that may be reached from it. Each new world, Crossroad Keep must be again repopulated with soldiers, craftsmen and workers. As such Jesen tends to place the Keep in close proximity to remote towns, and then recruit from there.

The Keep boasts a number of formidable advantages and defenses as well:

  • Running water courtesy of decanters of endless water reach every area of the keep, and even hot water in several places.
  • Extensive forging capabilities thanks to several magical items and artifacts. Smish's Smith Tools, The Iron Forge of the Armies, and The Anvil of Holy Flames are all available within the Keep.
  • Magical items to summon elementals of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air for the purposes of defense of the Keep.

A number of powerful Iron Golems that have been crafted, lead by the Blade Golem (see below).

  • Library: The Keep's library has a number of ancient historical texts from a number of worlds, including Toril, Eberron, and Golarion. Research into these texts can lead to potential magical breakthroughs and discoveries. But the most prized item in the library is the Tome of Iltkazar. The legendary tome once belonged to the mage-king of Iltkazar and contains many spells found nowhere else. Including a means of creating a permanent gate between the planes of existence, and the means to create or upgrade golem armies.

DEFENDERS OF THE KEEP - Most of Jesen's allies in other crystal spheres remain on the world's of their birth. They can be called upon in times of great duress naturally. However several are of a nature or will that they travel along with Crossroad Keep to new locales fairly routinely. Most of them seldom ever leaving it, as they are there in the event that the Keep is in need of defense. Counted among them are: Orglash, a powerful ice elemental which typically leads the other elemental forces in the event that they are called upon. Zix the Pixie, who carries a bag of tricks allowing it to summon fae animals of various types. Okku the Spirit Bear once adventured with Jesen, and even now will come to his aid if called to help defend Crossroad Keep. Himself calling on a variety of other powerful animal spirits as needed also. Light of Hope is a Aasimar that serves as one of Jesen's military commanders. As a planar being, she routinely travels along with the Keep to new locales.

The Blade Golem was a powerful creation of a defeated enemy that Jesen optimized using hidden lore and his eldritch powers. It was nearly destroyed in the final battle against the King of Shadows. Jesen unearthed it over two decades later once he finally made it back to Toril. With the assistance of old allies the Blade Golem was repaired, this time with Mithril and Adamantine parts. With a spark of self awareness within the entity now, it protects Crossroad Keep leading other golems into battle. Rarely, when the situation calls for it, Jesen will bring the Golem with him on matters outside the Keep.