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The Traveling Oasis
Quote-open.png It doesn't look like it, but this castle incorporates some of the most advanced devices in existence. Quote-close.png
— A Figaro guardsman

Figaro, also widely known as "Figaro Castle," is located west of the Black Forest in a desert region known as Geruda Valley. Figaro has a close relationship with the city of Southport, which is a port city located to the southwest on the coast of the Bay of Omens, offering Southport protection and support in exchange for access to a thriving port for trade and other benefits.

Figaro itself is a massive castle-town, a wonder of engineering. Its partly enchanted, partly machine structure allows it to actually fold up into a massive pod, which can burrow underground and slowly travel between locations. However, due to the nature of its construction, it can only surface in deserts, so its travel locations are limited.

Figaro lacks a standing army, but it has a royal guard who exist to protect the people of the two cities. It is noted for its stables of chocobos, small navy (which operates out of Southport), and various high quality exports. As a fairly wealthy kingdom, its people live very well. It maintains diplomatic and trade relations with the various other kingdoms of the former Laellu Empire, including Altur and Lyne, and the elvish kingdom of Sylvania.

See Also: "Figaro Castle" at Final Fantasy WikiReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!


The sovereign monarch of Figaro is King Edgar Figaro, and his royal advisors oversee the day-to-day running of the kingdom. As a skilled diplomat who does well by his people, Edgar is generally a very popular monarch who inspires great loyalty in his subjects.

People of Note