Edgar Figaro

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Full Name:
Edgar Roni Figaro
King of Figaro
Young Adult
Quote-open.png The young king of Figaro Castle,
Imperial ally, and champion of the technological revolution...
— Himself
King Edgar of Figaro is known for three things: his staunch commitment to protecting his people, his genius for tinkering with advanced technology like auto-crossbows and airships, and of course his charm and charisma, which he lavishes on the many, many pretty young men who he welcomes in his kingdom. He cuts a dashing and dynamic figure, and he's been known to run off on adventure from time to time, usually to make sure his people are safe from outside threats. Some, also, say that contact with mysterious mystical beings has gifted the young king with the power of magic.


Edgar Roni Figaro was born one of a set of twins. His brother, Sabin, and he were also born as the princes of a city-state called Figaro. They grew up wanting for nothing, well-educated and well-loved. However, their young lives were marked twice by tragedy. When they were children, their mother was killed in a tragic accident. Some ten years later, their father fell ill and died. Left mourning and with a kingdom that needed a leader, the two brothers met to discuss what they should do.

Neither wanted to be king. Each brother wanted his freedom to leave Figaro and travel the world. Yet, Edgar felt that Sabin's need was greater than his own. As such, his sense of loyalty overcame his usual scruples, and he obtained a two-headed coin. He told his brother they would decide who became king on a coin-toss, and he made sure Sabin won it. When Sabin elected to choose his freedom, Edgar dutifully assumed the role of king. He proved good at it, too, and within a few years he had fully assimilated into the role.

Edgar has since become well-loved by his people and adept at diplomacy, placing his kingdom first and taking great care to keep his people happy. Of course, the joke is that nobody is happier in Figaro than its handsome young men--for the king is well-known to have a "type"--but, Edgar reasons, if that's the worst thing anyone has to say about him, then he must be doing something right.