Babylon 5

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Babylon 5
Quote-open.png Our last, best hope for peace. Quote-close.png
— Unknown

GEAS Starbase Babylon 5 is located in orbit around Epsilon Eridani III, the planet closest to the Rabbit Hole. A jump gate has also been constructed at the edge of the planet's gravity well, allowing for high-speed hyperspace jumps over even extended distances for ships with slower hyperdrives. The distance between the gate and B5 is moderate, allowing room to handle any security issues with incoming ships while still keeping it within range for swift sublight travel. The gate carries its own thrusters, allowing it to maintain a constant distance and attitude from the station. After the discovery of the Rabbit Hole and the potential diplomatic tensions with the Galactic Empire, the station was established for purposes of diplomacy and security between the local people and those from Galaxy 1138.


Information on this page is directly adapted from The Wertzone blog.


Starfury starfighter

Although designed primarily for peaceful purposes, Babylon 5 is also armed for defense. The station has two fighter wings of twelve starfury fighters apiece, designated Alpha and Delta Squadrons, along with a number of spare fighters to replace any lost in combat. These are launched from the fighter bays located along the arms connected the docking sphere to the carousel, then recovered via the main docking bay. The station also employs a number of shuttles, hazardous material-recovery ships, and automated camera and cargo pods.

The station also has several dozen plasma cannon arrays. Most of these are located along the zero-G spine of Babylon 5, but some are mounted on the main carousel to provide coverage along the underside of the station. These cannons are designed primarily for anti-fighter operations, but in concert they could inflict significant damage against capital ships. GEAS heavily debated the inclusion of more significant weaponry to the station out of concern that the station is far too vulnerable to a concerted assault, but in the end it was determine that installing such heavy weapon batteries on the station would run counter to its mission of peace.


After the discovery of the wormhole in the Epsilon Eridani System, one of the Babylon-series stations was rushed to completion and towed there in sections via jumpgate and assembled in planetary orbit. The previous stations in the series, Babylons 1-4, are located at other key locations throughout GEAS space, dating back numerous decades, and have traditionally served as major support centers for different sectors of known colonized space in the Milky Way Galaxy.