2017.03.08 - Cold Case - Aftermath

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Cold Case - Aftermath

Dick recovers from being drugged.

The Batcave

Dick is still in his Tom White disguise, sprawled on one of the cots in the Cave, sleeping off the drug Milo dosed him with. He's muttered and gone 'sleepwalking' a couple of times already during the night, but for now he's quiet and calm.

Batman lingers in the Batcave, frequently checking on Dick in the medical bay. When he's not at Dick's side, he's at the Batcomputer busily entering information on the case and following up on others.

Dick opens his eyes sometime around noon and blinks, then groans as he slowly sits up. "Batman?" he calls out weakly, as he fumbles to put his feet on the floor.

The Dark Knight is there in an instant. "Easy there," he cautions Dick, gently taking hold of the youth's shoulders to steady him.

Dick wipes bleary eyes. "Everything go OK?" he says, leaning into the man's strong touch. "What in the world did he dose me with...?"

"Everything's fine," Batman answers, still holding on to Dick. "And according to your blood results, it was a hefty dose of ativan."

Dick rubs his eyes again. "Man, I think I'm allergic to that stuff," he grouses, flexing his shoulders a little. "Jason did good?"

Batman nods. "Jason did great," he says, not holding back praise where it's due. "I'm glad you're safe," he adds, gently squeezing Dick's shoulders.

Dick sighs as he leans back into the massaging with a soft groan. "Fuck that feels good," he sighs, the drug still having some effect on him. "Good; I knew he would. Milo knew it was me, or rather, he pretty much planned it would be me or you coming down there. I guess he knew we got to actor-guy." He shakes his head. "Got me with a dart gun, then carried me to a boat. The van I guess was a decoy.."

"Unfortunately, we fell for the van. Chased it off the docks in Metropolis, but neither of us got hurt," Batman explains. "I guess he found the first transponder in your lab coat, but he didn't get the one in your shoe."

Dick nods. "I think I crushed it, though, trying to activate it after he darted me. Man, that stuff was strong.." he says, trying slowly to stand. "Whoa.." he wobbles.

Batman keeps a hold on Dick. "Sure you don't need some more rest?" he asks, a note of concern in his voice.

Dick turns to lean against the man's broad chest, smiling and closing his eyes. "Maybe, yeah," he says, still unsure on his feet. "So, Milo is in jail, I hope?"

Wrapping his arms around Dick in a protective embrace, Batman nods. "Yes, we turned him over to the Gotham PD. Though Metropolis might also want a piece of him since that's where his newest lab is. Either way, he'll be serving a long sentence."

"Mm hmm," the teen says, then nestles closer to his mentor, eyes almost closed. Then he leans up and kisses the man's exposed jaw. "Good," he mutters, nuzzling Batman's jawline, letting the man support him. "Yr so warm.."

Batman chuckles and ruffles Dick's hair affectionately. "I think you're still a bit out of it from the sedative," he says. "Maybe we should get you upstairs and into bed?"

Dick flashes his eyebrows and smiles warmly. "I wouldn't mind getting in bed," he says. He pauses. "Can I kiss you, Bruce?" he says softly. "I want to, like.. really want to but.." he quirks a smile.

"What?" Batman asks, a bit dumbfounded. He tilts his head back for a better look at Dick. "Yes, you're definitely still a bit doped up," he suggests.

The boy's eyes are certainly dilated. "I am, yeah. Still wanna.." he says, swallowing, nervous. "Please?"

"You're not thinking straight, Dick," Batman demurs. He steps back a bit but still keeps his hands on Dick's shoulders. "C'mon, let's get you up to your room."

Robin nods and puts a hand on the gloved hand on his shoulder. "OK," he says. "I feel weird." He tries to turn, staggers and only Batman's grasp on him prevents him from faceplanting. "Jason did good, right?"

Batman keeps a firm hold on Dick to make sure the young man doesn't fall over. "Jason did great," he reassures Dick, gently steering him toward the elevator.

Somehow, probably due to years of training, Dick manages to make it to his own bed without dying any of like two dozen ways, and he sits down on it. "OK, did you like re-arrange my room or something? Because the bed.. is like twice the size it was.." he groans as he picks at his lab-shirt, having apparently forgotten how buttons work.

Batman chuckles, the sound as warm and soft as flannel. "No, I didn't rearrange your room," he says, brushing Dick's hands away and starting on the buttons. "Where's your pajamas?" he asks, glancing around the room.

Dick sways a little as his shirt is undone. "In.. the pajama drawer? No. The closet," he points. OK, he points to the bathroom, but still.

"I'll find them," Batman says, getting the last button undone on Dick's shirt. "Stay put," he instructs, moving away to first look in the bathroom for those elusive pajamas.

Dick fumbles with his shirt, managing to free one arm by the time the man finds his PJ's and returns. He looks at the limp sleeve and pokes it. "That SOB cut off my arm," he says calmly.

"No, your arm is just fine," Batman assures Dick, laying the pajamas on the bed so he can help the young man out of the rest of his shirt.

"Hey! There it is!" Dick says when he sees his other arm emerge from the shirt. Then he just leans against Bruce at lets the man take his shirt off, and dress him in the soft PJ top.

"Now for the pants," Batman says, lightly pushing on Dick's shoulders to get him to lay back on the bed.

Dick falls back sprawling on the bed, mmming as he rolls his shoulders on the soft mattress. His pants are easy to get off, compared to his shirt, his bottoms easier to do up as well. By the time Batman is done with that, the boy is fast asleep again.

Batman gives Dick a fond smile and tucks him carefully into bed. "Rest well," he says softly before stepping out of the room and quietly closing the door behind him.

Several hours later…

Dick's Bedroom

The day is long since done and the grandfather clock downstairs has already chimed the midnight hour. Still, Bruce is awake. It really shouldn't be very surprising given his usual nocturnal activities. But instead of fighting crime on the streets of Gotham City, he's home and lingering outside Dick's bedroom door.

Bruce listens at the door for a moment, trying to hear if Dick is moving about in there. Finally, he lightly taps on the solid wood door and softly calls, "Dick? Are you up?"

"Mmm? Yeah, I'll be up... Bruce? Wait, what, I don't see the Signal.." comes from inside the room. He sounds rational, at least. Sounds of sheets being moved and feet hitting the floor come through the door, faintly.

"There's no signal right now," Bruce answers. "Can I come in?"

"Mm sure, Bruce," the youth answers. More sounds of movement.

Opening the door, Bruce steps into Dick's room. Out of habit, his gaze sweeps his surroundings before settling on Dick. A bit of a smile tugs at the left corner of his mouth and he moves over to the side of the bed to turn on the bedside lamp. "How're you feeling?" he asks.

Dick Grayson is sitting on the edge of his bed, his pajama shirt undone, his fingers running through disheveled hair. "Like I was run over by a truck, then crawled away only to be dragged by another truck. Other than that, though..." the boy says. He reaches for a glass of water left by Alfred, and drains it. "Wow. How long was I out.. last thing I really remember was Milo darting me. I guess you guys got him?"

Bruce chuckles, a sincere smile blooming on his face at Dick's descriptive analogy for how he feels. "Well, ativan can be strong stuff," he offers. "You'll probably be a bit off for another day at least, maybe two. We rescued you around midnight last night. And yes, we got him."

Dick Grayson blows out his cheeks. "Whew. What time is it now? Already after midnight?" he says as he rolls shoulders. "Good. How did Jason do?"

"Yes, it's a little after midnight," Bruce confirms the time. "You've been asleep pretty much since around seven this morning. And Jason was great. Couldn't have done it without him. Well, maybe I could have, but it would have been tough."

Dick Grayson smiles at hearing this. "Man, I need a shower. I think I sweated through my pajamas.." he says, pulling off his shirt, and seeing it is damp. "Whew." He smiles at Bruce and makes to stand, and does so though just a little wobbly.

"You should probably get something to eat when you're done," Bruce suggests. "Want me to put a sandwich together for you?"

Dick Grayson smiles again and puts a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Thanks!" he says, and walks to the attached bath - the sounds of the shower running and him whistling as the water hits him come from the room for a few minutes until he's done. He dries off and steps up to the basin to shave.

While Dick is in the shower, Bruce nips down to the kitchen to fix a ham and Swiss sandwich. He also pours a glass of milk to accompany the plate on a tray which he carries back up to Dick's room. Stepping back inside, he moves to set the tray down on Dick's desk and pulls out the chair to sit and wait.

Dick Grayson shaves and puts a little gel in his hair, then walks out to his closet to get something to wear. "Wow, that feels better. Did he tie me up? Because I was weirdly sore when I woke up.."

"Feeling human again?" Bruce inquires, watching Dick cross the room. "Yes, he had you bound up in some weird plastic cords and he was lowering you from the ceiling into a tub of what I assume is the same stuff that made Taylor into the zombie he turned out to be. I don't even know how Milo got you up there to begin with."

Dick Grayson shakes his head. "I have no idea. The whole evening is a complete blank, but the guys that undergo that treatment are stronger than normal - I guess they did it." He sits to bite into the sandwich, washing it down with the milk. Mmmm milk.

"They're stronger, but definitely not smarter. Jason outwitted them quite nicely," Bruce says. "You should probably get some more sleep," he adds, getting to his feet. "I think I'll try to do the same. Good night, Dick." And with that, Bruce departs and heads off to the master bedroom for some rest of his own.
