Emberwing Order

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Name: Emberwing Order
Leadership: Wizards' Council
Area: Arcadia
World: Unknown

The Emberwing Order is a prominent organization in Arcadia. Based out of the brooding black Embertower, just west of Altur, it accepts as members anyone who proves their ability with magic. This requires not only natural talent and power but skill and experience. The order does not take students or apprentices, and those who come to them seeking teaching in magic will be referred instead to the Wrosthorne academy of magic, which is operated by Avethorn Vorridon, one of the members of the wizards' council. Members, once appointed, must contribute to the order, whether by providing lore, artifacts, or other valuable resources. After all, even wizards need money to spend. Members who fail to contribute or who act in some way to damage the reputation or integrity of the order are usually not cast out, but are instead discreetly said to no longer be "in good standing." Only very rarely are members cast out, and then only for the most dire offenses. The order provides room and board for its members in the Embertower as needed.


The guild is governed by an elected council of senior wizards, each of whom must be a veteran member of the order. These positions are held for life unless the member is discredited in some way, in which case the council may vote to remove them. Every ten years, the council also elects a new archwizard. The current archwizard is Avethorn Vorridon, who runs the school at Wrosthorne. Despite this leadership structure, the order does little to influence the lives of its members and tends to stay entirely out of politics. The council mostly decides how to allocate guild resources, takes care of necessary administrative tasks, and acts in the interests of the order, but it does not police its members unless they start to get extremely out of hand, causing danger to the order or others.


The Order works closely with its brother order of guardian Sentinels, who defend the mages of the EmberWing Order. The order is more loosely allied with the Guild of Heroes, as a number of its members are also members of the guild. The order is not explicitly allied with Altur, though as they are headquartered there, they remain on amicable terms as much as possible. The school at Wrosthorne is, of course, significantly affiliated with the order.

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