Lucien Reveille

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Full Name:
Lucien Reveille
Le Rêve
Dreamwalking Drifter
OC (None)
Lucien is one of the Fae folk, a walker of dreams and nightmares who can travel through dreamscapes and manipulate them, or bring bits and pieces of them into the waking world. He's a drifter who manages to find a place to sleep, a meal, and whatever he needs to get by where he can.


Lucien can be fickle and sometimes moody, and he is often quiet. While he tends to maintain the facade of distance, he actually likes to help out those who are kind, suffering, or seem to need help. On the flip side, his anger burns hot and sharp to those who do harm to those who don't deserve it, or to those few he actually cares about.


Lucien is one of the fae folk, a creature of dream and nightmare who uses the dreamscapes of sleepers to travel from place to place, and can manipulate and interact with them through those dreams. He found himself on the streets at a young age, having been taken in by a mortal family when he was young. He was always a troubled child, and spent much of his time retreating into his own imagination, spending a lot of time in his own head, just trying to be as invisible as possible.

As he's gotten older, he's learned more how to fend for himself out in the real world. Sometimes he takes on odd jobs, and sometimes he just helps out those who seem to need it in ways that garner their desire to help him out in return, usually in some form of hospitality or another.

He hasn't spent much time around others of his own kind, tending to be more of a loner, and thus he's developed most of his skills on his own, learning his own innate natural abilities through trial and error.

He has a beautiful singing voice, and he could truly be a musician, something he's always wanted to pursue, but the opportunity just hasn't presented itself.


Smoke and Mirrors

When a nightmare becomes too frightening, sometimes one awakes suddenly, and whatever was causing that fear turns out to be just a shadow on the wall, a branch against a window, a loose shutter or door. When Lucien becomes intensely frightened he can suddenly vanish like an illusion, leaving only an impression of himself behind for a few moments, as he discorporates into a thing of dream and reappears at a safe distance away. This is not something that he can control, but is triggered by a sudden intense fear -- for his life, for someone else's. And he can only minorly control where he recorporates when it is over. The process is instantaneous and he remains only as an illusion for a matter of moments during which he essentially teleports to the new location.


First Aid - Novice Level

He can do some very basic first aid, something he learned to patch himself up while on the streets.

Knives - Competent Level

He can hold his own in a fight and specializes in knife fighting, both in up-close melee and using them as thrown weapons.

Parkour - Competent Level

He enjoys free running, particularly at night through the rooftops and alleyways of the city.

Singing - Expert Level

He's an amazing vocalist when he sings, and could very well be in a band, or a very popular musician if the stars ever aligned themselves. As it is, he uses his haunting voice mostly for his own entertainment, and those few who have heard it.

Urban Survival - Competent Level

Lucien knows how to survive on the streets. He's good at finding shelter, food, clothing, whatever he might need to get by. He knows the best hidey holes, and where to get the hook up for what ails you.


Power: Dark Sight - Basic Level

He is able to see better in darkness than he can during the bright glare of the daylight sun. He is naturally nocturnal, and thus his sight is enhanced for low light/no light situations.

Power: Dream Manipulation - Enhanced Level

Lucien can manipulate dreams once he is inside them, taking control of them and directing them as though he were creating a cinematic experience. He can do no actual physical harm to another person through these manipulations, but he can greatly disturb, or enhance their restfulness in this manner. He can soothe nightmares, creating a peaceful dreamscape which promotes rest, or he can create nightmares and disturb the sleep of others.

Power: Dream Walk - Enhanced Level

Lucien can use the dreams of nearby sleepers or his own dreams to enter the Dreamscape and then travel through dreams from one place to another. He can enter the dreams of any nearby sleeper (within a one block radius) but he can only exit the dreamscape of a sleeper that he knows or has visited before. He will exit the dreamscape near wherever they happen to be sleeping/or have recently slept.

Power: Manifest - Basic Level

Lucien can manifest small items from a recent dream or nightmare, pulling it into the real world. The item/creature can be no larger than a toaster oven and typically will only last until the next sunrise before it dissipates back into dream stuff.



Lucien has a habit of finding people who will take him in, a couch to crash on, a meal here and there, and whatever minor things he needs to get by, all without the need for any particular income. He just happens to get what he needs when he needs it.


Lucien has a number of knives on his person at any given time.


Light Sensitive

Lucien is sensitive to light. He wears sunglasses during daytime hours and any kind of flash of bright light can blind him much more easily than usual.


Lucien's word is his bond, like some fae folk. If he makes a promise, he must keep it, and every promise must come with a consequence. If he does not keep his promises, he will face whatever consequences were agreed upon.


Lucien has a number of knives on his person at any given time. (In some situations, this could cause a problem if others found out.)

Faction Memberships

Character Connections