Dylan Moonwood

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Full Name:
Dylan Moonwood
Slicer and Droid Enthusiast
Dylan is an extremely talented slicer and a droid enthusiast, though what he possesses as far as his intellect and knowledge of electronics is concerned, he lacks in nearly any sort of social skills. He tends to favor droids over people and computers over social interaction, but he has a strong sense of conscience and aims to do what he can to help those oppressed by the Empire. Maybe it just takes the right people to bring this splicer out of his shell!


Dylan is awkward in social settings, to say the least. He's kind and bright, but tends to be quiet with people and is unable to pick up on social cues as easily as others. He's much more comfortable around droids than people!


When Dylan was just a baby, his father, a sergeant of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, was killed during the assassination of Queen Apailana. Fearing reprisals from the Empire, his mother, a computer technician at Theed University, had contracted an old friend to smuggle her and her young son to Bespin's Cloud City. She had fallen ill on the voyage to Bespin only to succumb to the illness a few months after their arrival.

Dylan was raised in an orphanage in Cloud City. He discovered an aptitude for computers and electronics as he grew up, befriending several maintanence droids and a practicing repairs on them even as a child. He had always found it easier to interact with droids and machines than with other people, but despite his lack of social skills, Dylan managed to take on odd jobs to perform repairs and upgrades around the neighborhood.

Every few years on his birthday, Dylan would receive a package from a mysterious benefactor, usually containing credits or fancy computer gear. It was one of these packages that contained a datachip that helped Dylan take his first steps toward becoming a proper and quite skilled splicer.

The final of such packages contained a holotape of his mother's will, explaining how his father had perished in service by a vicious Imperial attack, and why she had hidden him away on Bespin to avoid being discovered by the Empire. For the first time in his life, Dylan felt a sense of purpose and decided to lend his aid to the Rebel Alliance. He contacted his mother's smuggler friend using information he'd received with the holotape and arranged for transportation off Bespin, the first step on his own journey.


ASTROGATION: Novice - With his aptitude for mathmatical calculations, it seemed only natural to Dylan that he should study astrogation, practicing with an old, discarded navicomputer to calculate safe and reliable jumps through hyperspace. He has very little practical experience with using a navicomputer connected to an actual ship to make real calculations, but he's eager to learn more.

COMPUTERS: Expert - Dylan's knowledge of computers and technology is extremely well-developed for someone his age. He not only is able to expertly navigate systems, but is also an experienced slicer.

KNOWLEDGE: Competent - While Dylan's most knowledgable about computers, droids, and other electronics, he does enjoy reading technical manuals and schematics about devices and vehicles, and data-tapes on all sorts of various topics. He especially enjoys mathematics, and he has a good grasp on the Binary language from the time spent with his droids.

TECHNICAL: Expert - Dylan quite enjoys looking over schematics in his free time and applys his knowledge to all manner of technology, whether he's repairing, making modifications, or otherwise manipulating them. He is also a droid enthusiast and is knowledgable about many models, including how to repair, reprogram, and modify them.


SLICE GEAR: Enhanced-level Tech - Dylan owns a Versafunction92 datapad, manufactured by Microdata Technologies. It features a touch-sensitive screen, two dataports, holoprojector, recorder, and handgrips. It also includes a retractable data cable for wired interfacing with other computers, as well as wireless capability. He also has several scramble keys and other slicing tools.



CONTACT - Dylan has the contact information for the fellow who smuggled his mother and him to Bespin, an old family friend of his parents. He might serve as a contact in some cases, though isn't always available.

INHERITANCE - Dylan has a stash of credits left to him from his parents, as well as informative datachips from his mother that taught him how to be a slicer.

PEPPER - Pepper is an IM-P3PR security droid, manufactured by Droid Security Systems. Dylan has performed many modifications to the droid to aid in his slicing tasks, including adding two small grasper arms, a data probe arm, and an extendable, high-powered data antenna, so Pepper can plug into a computer far from Dylan's location, sending information to and from Dylan's datapad, as he slices the computer remotely. Pepper is a small, spherical droid, colored blue with silver markings, with red and green sensor eyes, as well as a small holoprojector. He speaks Binary with small chirps and beeps. Pepper is also equipped with a nozzle that sprays a non-lethal, stinging chemical as a defense against unauthorized tampering, or in defense of Dylan (and those designated by Dylan).

STATURE - Dylan is fairly short and also quite small, which can come in handy. He can fit inside different kinds of ducts and can easily hide behind objects in the middle of a fray.


NON-COMBATIVE - Dylan has no combat training or experience, and he isn't particularly strong or fast.

SOCIALLY INEPT - Dylan lives in his own world of datapads and computer parts, and because of this, he tends to have problems interacting with people. He often says the wrong thing at the wrong time, if anything at all, or asks questions in the pursuit of knowledge that border on tactless, and some social cues tend to get lost in translation. Dylan is quite kind and intelligent, but when it comes to social interaction, he usually just doesn't quite get it.

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