Dylan Moonwood

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Full Name:
Dylan Moonwood
Slicer and Droid Enthusiast
Dylan is an extremely talented slicer and a droid enthusiast, though what he possesses as far as his intellect and knowledge of electronics is concerned, he lacks in nearly any sort of social skills. He tends to favor droids over people and computers over social interaction, but he has a strong sense of conscience and aims to do what he can to help those oppressed by the Empire. Maybe it just takes the right people to bring this splicer out of his shell!


Dylan is awkward in social settings, to say the least. He's kind and bright, but tends to be quiet with people and is unable to pick up on social cues as easily as others. He's much more comfortable around droids than people!


When Dylan was just a baby, his father, a sergeant of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, was killed during the assassination of Queen Apailana. Fearing reprisals from the Empire, his mother, a computer technician at Theed University, had contracted an old friend to smuggle her and her young son to Bespin's Cloud City. She had fallen ill on the voyage to Bespin only to succumb to the illness a few months after their arrival.

Dylan was raised in an orphanage in Cloud City. He discovered an aptitude for computers and electronics as he grew up, befriending several maintanence droids and a practicing repairs on them even as a child. He had always found it easier to interact with droids and machines than with other people, but despite his lack of social skills, Dylan managed to take on odd jobs to perform repairs and upgrades around the neighborhood.

Every few years on his birthday, Dylan would receive a package from a mysterious benefactor, usually containing credits or fancy computer gear. It was one of these packages that contained a datachip that helped Dylan take his first steps toward becoming a proper and quite skilled splicer.

The final of such packages contained a holotape of his mother's will, explaining how his father had perished in service by a vicious Imperial attack, and why she had hidden him away on Bespin to avoid being discovered by the Empire. For the first time in his life, Dylan felt a sense of purpose and decided to lend his aid to the Rebel Alliance. He contacted his mother's smuggler friend using information he'd received with the holotape and arranged for transportation off Bespin, the first step on his own journey.