Zidane Tribal

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Full Name:
Zidane Tribal
Treasure Hunter/Stage Actor
Young Adult
Zidane's just a cute and twinky blonde boy with a monkey tail. He's usually grinning and goofing off, and/or playing with knives. His overall outfit can be summed up in one word, 'Blue'. That blonde monkey tail is always doing /something/ too.


This monkey boy has all the energy of a monkey. He is curious, playful, agile, and always bouncing around. He's almost always grinning, joking and goofing around with people. He's been through a lot in his life and understands that sometimes people really just need a smile. If he can give that to people, then he feels like he's doing something to make life better.

When he's alone, though, he can get very introspective, dwelling on the past, his mistakes, and contemplating his reason for living. He's extremely sensitive, even if he doesn't show it. Instead of dwelling on things, he'll often make a joke or do something intentionally stupid. Sometimes this may appear like insensitivity.

He also is pretty aware that he's a cutie, and seems to have no problem using his looks as a means of getting what he wants. He'll use his cuteness as justification to act like a brat, but it's all in good fun, and he thinks it's hilarious. If people enjoy it, he'll ham it up, but if he's annoying he knows not to press his luck.


Zidane Tribal is a thief who works for the Tantalus Theater Troupe. He was abandoned as a child, and at the age of four was adopted by Baku, the leader of Tantalus. He was trained in the ways of thievery by the troupe, and participated in theatre performances aboard their airship, which were simply fronts for heists. They traveled the world for their performances, and they became quite well-known in the circuit between major cities from Omenaru to Mithalu, including those in the former Laellu Empire, such as Altur and Lyne, and even in Halvington and Undermount.

There aren't many humans who have tails, so it's pretty obvious that something doesn't quite add up. Who were his parents? Where would someone even begin to look for them? Through his encounters with people all across the world, misadventures and relationships, he eventually comes to learn that "Home is where the heart is," and he doesn't really seem to care much about his background anymore.

There's clearly something special about this kid. Maybe the truth of his background will be revealed someday!