Zachrael Graham

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Full Name:
Zachrael Ian Graham
Good Zach: "Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain)" - Gary Allan
Dark Zach: "Will I Fall" - Zayde Wolf
Quote-open.png Me? Ah, I'm nobody. Quote-close.png
— Himself
A former Hunter who has vowed to help the innocent supernatural beings of Sangria. Whether it's dealing with indiscriminate Hunters, helping supernaturals relocate and blend in, or preserving the veil that keeps normals ignorant, Zach is often involved.


Zach tends toward an easygoing nature, calm, cool, collected, kind. Most people only see this side of him, the cheerful country boy. Under that skin, though are veins of fire and deep scars of darkness fueling remnants of the bad boy he tried to leave behind.


The Summary

Boring childhood, troubled teen, parents died. Foster family takes in troubled boys to turn into Hunters. Zach rejects Hunting innocent supernaturals, runs away, finds mentor program. Meets girl, gets married, mother and son are werewolves, son killed by former foster family, 9 vs 1 battle, Zach wins. Zach broken, divorce demanded, Zach breaks out of self-loathing, takes on mission to help innocent supernaturals.

The Beginning

Zachrael Ian Graham was born to Ian and Jaclyn Graham and was raised on a small farm in northern Georgia. He led an unnotable life, a good boy until he hit puberty, moody and a little aggressive after that. When he was fourteen, his parents were killed in a car accident. Already going through difficulties due to his rowdiness, his parents' death and having to live in a foster home exacerbated his problems. It was then that Darren Kerr took him. Darren was known for taking in troubled teen boys and trying to help them with his wife. But the truth was... different.

New Family

Darren was a Hunter, and he took in teen boys to train them as Hunters, too. He took the difficult ones, so that they'd hardly be missed when they disappeared, either going off on their own path as Hunters or by dying during a hunt. Darren was brutal with his kids, believing they needed to be strong and tough and if they got beat or injured along the way, well soldiers must endure. Zach was sucked into the comraderie, trained hard, hunted with his new family with pride. But he started to realize that not all supernaturals are evil. Not every monster was truly monstrous. He started to question Darren, resisting too much. Until one day as punishment, Darren had the other boys beat Zach up and leave him broken and bloodied for Darren's wife to mend. After a week, Zach was able to defy Darren and walk out.

New Family Part Deux

Zach moved on, joined a program to straighten out in a program to turn troubled teens into productive members of society. It was there he met Serena, a girl from the neighborhood. Seeena was beautiful, Zach was broken, the two were practically made for each other. The Serena went to college and Zach stayed to help mentor younger boys. Fast forward a few years, Zach joined up as an adult mentor in the program and had been in the position for a years when again he sees Serena, now an accountant and apparently a mother. The two hit it off again, Seeena admitting the boy was Zach's. Soon they wed and moved into a nice house out in the country, where Zach would participate in a homeschooling group with his son, Bo Ray. Serena made more than enough in her job to provide for the three of them and her parents were quite supportive. Fast forward a few years and zach has settled into his role as mentor and teacher to a couple dozen kids from around the area. But it was not to last...

The Breaking

These kids being homeschooled were the children of omega werewolves, like Serena. A group of lone wolves banded together for self-protection, each the survivor of a pack-devastating attack. Serena admitted this to Zach, as well as Bo Ray's status as a werewolf, before he agreed to take on the task. And he revealed to her his past. The two of them only bonded more after that. But fate would rear its ugly head. One day after instructions were over and Serena was still at work, Zach was getting ready to take a shower. Zach heard Bo Ray scream for his daddy. Panicked, still clad only in a towel, Zach grabbed a rifle and ran out to investigate. Four rifles were trained on him. Two tranq guns were trained on his boy. Two men held Bo Ray's arms, and one man stood behind the boy inspecting a nasty looking knife. Zach knew these men, Darren and his former 'brothers.' After a bit of banter about werewolves, sons, and monsters, Zach watched as his boy's throat was slit and shot with two wolfsbane poison darts. Entering into a cold state of tranquil fury, Zach proceeded to shoot his former mentor right between the eyes. A fight pursued as Zach ran toward his son. Eight men died on the way, some were shot, some had their necks broken, one had a knife shoved into an eye socket after having his throat slit. By the time Zach made it to Bo Ray, Zach's own body was a bloodied and bruised mess, gun shot wounds, bruises, a cut here and there. He picked up his son, holding him in despair, and he collapsed as his wounds caught up to him.

The Anti-Hunter

Zach was cleared of culpability in the deaths, self-defense and extenuating circumstances. But he didn't care. He became a husk of a man, withdrawing into himself. It wasn't until Serena demanded a divorce that he snapped out of it. And even then it would be weeks until he pulled himself together. And prompty left. Starting a business as a private investigator, Zach vowed to protect those like his son, innocent victims of overzealous Hunters. Innocent supernaturals who needed help integrating into society. And to help keep the veil over the eyes of the mundane world, to keep them unaware of the things that go bump in the night. It's better that way.