Victor Mancha

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Full Name:
Victor Mancha
Victorious, L'il Ultron
Real Boy
Quote-open.png You have your own experiences, your own history. You make your own choices. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Victor is kinda sorta the offspring of Ultron. But he's not a bad guy, and his greatest fear is of losing control and becoming like his...father-ish figure. He was designed to be the perfect boy, but naturally, it depends on who you ask.


Due to circumstances, when the villain Ultron was defeated by a group of heroes at one point, most of the remains of that version of his robotic body were disposed of in a relatively innocuous landfill and left, forgotten, for some time. However, he was only playing possum, and his head's CPU was still active for some time. He was discovered by a woman named Marianella Mancha, who believed him to be a prophet and brought him home with her.

After she ended up confiding in Ultron, he decided to give her what she had most desperately wanted: a child. By combining some of her DNA with his nanite technology, he created Victor and implanted him with false memories, setting him up to be the perfect son. Marianella was overjoyed and never questioned it...but she should have known that deals with devils almost always carry a terrible price.

The villainous group known as the Pride discovered Victor's existence and carried out an operation to abduct him. The presence of superpowered individuals activated Victor's latent powers, and Ultron tried to take control of him, managing to do so only briefly before Victor rejected him completely. The strain, however, caused Victor to fall into a low-energy, comatose state. Ultron cut his losses, dispensed with Marianella, and left his creation to the Pride.

Victor ended up in the possession of the Steins, mad scientists extraordinaire, until their son, Chase, took their Leapfrog vehicle and a number of their super-science inventions and stolen possessions. And Victor found himself reawakened...