You have your own experiences, your own history. You make your own choices. |
— Himself |
Victor is kinda sorta the offspring of Ultron. But he's not a bad guy, and his greatest fear is of losing control and becoming like his...father-ish figure. He was designed to be the perfect boy, but naturally, it depends on who you ask.
Due to circumstances, when the villain Ultron was defeated by a group of heroes at one point, most of the remains of that version of his robotic body were disposed of in a relatively innocuous landfill and left, forgotten, for some time. However, he was only playing possum, and his head's CPU was still active for some time. He was discovered by a woman named Marianella Mancha, who believed him to be a prophet and brought him home with her.
After she ended up confiding in Ultron, he decided to give her what she had most desperately wanted: a child. By combining some of her DNA with his nanite technology, he created Victor and implanted him with false memories, setting him up to be the perfect son. Marianella was overjoyed and never questioned it...but she should have known that deals with devils almost always carry a terrible price.
The villainous group known as the Pride discovered Victor's existence and carried out an operation to abduct him. The presence of superpowered individuals activated Victor's latent powers, and Ultron tried to take control of him, managing to do so only briefly before Victor rejected him completely. The strain, however, caused Victor to fall into a low-energy, comatose state. Ultron cut his losses, dispensed with Marianella, and left his creation to the Pride.
Victor ended up in the possession of the Steins, mad scientists extraordinaire, until their son, Chase, took their Leapfrog vehicle and a number of their super-science inventions and stolen possessions. And Victor found himself reawakened...
Victor can, if pushed to the desperate level where it's necessary, put all of his power into one big burst. He can direct it at someone or something, or he may simply release the power around him, like an explosion emitted from his body. The electromagnetic nature of the power may disrupt some computers and AI systems, and the energy expulsion would likely be enough to devastate a city block.
This does not come without drawbacks, and Victor is not regularly able to do it; it causes damage to his systems, and it may incapacitate him for extended periods of time while his body rebuilds and restructures. He can lose data that may be unrecoverable, and he can, of course, also cause harm to any surrounding him or in the way of his energy without intending to.
He also tries to avoid doing anything of this level because it is uncomfortably similar to what he fears himself doing in the worst scenario of the future. If there is any other solution, he would almost invariably try that before unleashing this.
Linguistics - Expert Level
Victor can learn any language, provided there is a database he can draw from, ideally internet-based or through some machine communication. The more complex the language, the longer it will take him. He can become conversant within hours. This includes machine languages, as he can also communicate with machines. The more complex the machine, the more challenging it may become, but also the greater likelihood for successful communication, as it is more likely that a complex machine has developed its language to a more refined form.
Philosophy - Competent Level
Victor was created to be extremely well-versed in philosophy, and he possesses world-class ability to deal in this subject, ranging from more mundane and secular paths to more spiritual and transcendental ideas.
Science - Competent Level
Victor is extremely intelligent and finds even advanced topics of science and technology very accessible. He tends to focus on machines, gadgets, technology, communications, and computer science, but he is able to branch out into other subjects as needed.
Power: Electromagnetism - Enhanced Level
Victor is able to manipulate magnetic fields with his power, and he can use this to control metal and shape it. Most metals are able to be controlled fully by Victor, though as with his energy projection, the larger an amount of metal he attempts to control, the more he will have to focus on it and the less he will be able to spare for anything else. As with any aspect of his electromagnetic abilities, higher-end use almost always proves exhausting for Victor and requires some significant recovery time.
Victor can also use this power to leap spectacularly, hover, or fly, by using the natural magnetic fields of a planet, much like Magneto. He does not typically move at extremely high speeds and has not, as of yet, pushed even against the sound barrier. He can take a handful of passengers with him, at most, and flight would have to be the primary task he performs, with little ability to do much else. He can, of course, adhere to metal or metal-containing surfaces by using his abilities.
Power: Energy Projection - Supreme Level
Victor is able to generate and to project energy similar to electricity. It glows with a bluish tint to it, and when excited or when using his power, his eyes and mouth will tend to glow blue and may emit sparks. He seems to have little limitation with this ability, but he must focus on it and concentrate on doing it, and more power requires more concentration. For Victor to unleash his strongest power, he would need to be doing that and only that, but lower-level energy projection can be paired with any of his other abilities.
As stated, when he is excited or upset and it becomes more than he can handle, his eyes and mouth may glow blue and produce sparks. He can instinctively act to protect himself, which may involve bursts of energy to repulse and drive away threats. He can be stopped projecting by being rendered unconscious.
Power: Senses - Enhanced Level
Victor's construction allows him far greater senses than a human's. He is able to see in great detail, even with little light, can hear to a level where he can avoid attacks by hearing near-silent movement, can distinguish individual scents to a high degree, and can taste a dish and tell its ingredients and preparation method, if he wanted to. He must focus on any of these tasks in order to accomplish them, and of course he must know or learn about something in order to identify it.
Power: Ultron Systems - Enhanced Level
Victor's nature is such that he is much sturdier than a human, even though he does have human DNA in his makeup. His mind is able to function many times faster than a human, and he has a remarkable amount of total recall due to his vast storage space and ability to access it. He can, accordingly, also interface with other computers and machines in general, and he is able to communicate with them. He can connect to the internet himself and use the connection to learn other humans languages too, at remarkable speed.
Victor is physically stronger and more resistant to damage, able to lift a few thousand pounds without strain and able to withstand even a powerful explosion and survive. Part of this is due to his automated self-repair function, which keeps him in peak condition and boosts his recovery from injury. A serious wound for a human would take Victor only hours to recover from. Minor injuries heal in seconds or minutes. It means, further, that Victor has tremendous stamina, so he is not as easily physically tired as a human.
Victor can also regenerate lost parts of his body, thanks to the nature of his nanite tech systems, and as long as some element of his consciousness remains -- which can even be uploaded to other computers -- he can regrow up to his whole body. This takes significant energy and some time to do.
Not only Victor's mind, but also his body are both much faster than a human's, allowing Victor to process phenomenal amounts of data quickly and allowing him to move very quickly as well, able to catch an automobile in motion with little effort. He is less quick physically than he is mentally, however, and he would be unlikely to be able to catch a bullet train or a fast car.
Victor was created from the start to be the perfect boy. As far as most people are concerned, he was an overwhelming success! Because of this, most are likely to want to either please, protect, or in general treat him well. Everything from his personality to his pecs was designed to be ideal...and humans are rarely as resistant to his type of charm as they would like to think. Whether they see him as a wonderful young man they feel responsible to help, or whether they see him as a gorgeous angel they'd very much like to know a lot better, people tend to be very agreeable where Victor is concerned, especially if he consciously tries to accomplish something and use his charm intentionally.
Since Victor is an android, he was not conventionally born, so he has no real documentation. Because of this, it can be very difficult for him to be officially identified or to have anything tied to him; he does not, officially, exist.
Most of Victor's memories are completely fabricated and implanted into his mind by Ultron. It's very difficult for Victor to resist believing in them, and they cause him emotional pain even though they aren't real. His father, for example, was written to have been a war hero, but in reality, he never existed. Even his emotional link with Marianella was largely artificial, which causes him some lasting confusion and distress.
Victor is, unfortunately, able to have his systems hacked by someone else. That someone has to be at least genius-level to accomplish such a thing, and Victor is usually able to lock them out afterwards by establishing a firewall. Depending on the person and the tactics, though, it may be more of a struggle sometimes than others. He is also especially susceptible to having his systems assaulted by his father, Ultron, who knows his systems more intimately than anyone; despite Victor's extensive precautions, and despite the fact that he can resist Ultron's control, it's always a struggle and Victor doesn't know when he might lose the fight.
Victor is, more than possibly anything else in the world, afraid of either being controlled by Ultron, or losing control and killing his friends. He will take virtually any precaution to avoid those outcomes, and at times he can be overly sensitive about them and overly cautious, preventing a simpler resolution and sometimes putting himself or even those he cares about in greater danger.
Victor is largely metal, enough to set off metal detectors. Though his systems will eventually be able to transform his body into more organic material, rather than larger areas of metal, they will require years to do that. Additionally, if Victor has to regenerate any of his parts, it will similarly take some time for those parts to be rendered more organic and less metallic.
It's not often you see the perfect guy. Because of that, Victor isn't very good at passing unnoticed, which can be a problem when you're trying not to be noticed or remembered. Problems you want to have, right? People don't tend to forget Victor, and not everyone is innocuous or pure in how appealing they find him, either. Some might be jealous, others might be spiteful, and still others may relentlessly try to find out how he does the things he does.
Some creations of Ultron can cause a mutual feedback effect that may potentially harm both the creation and Victor. Victor can usually work to adjust his systems to minimize or eliminate the effect entirely, though it takes time and analysis.
As Victor is an android that was created out of human DNA and nanites, he was not conventionally born and has no documentation pertaining to his life. As such, he has no identification, which can make some things more difficult to accomplish without sometimes extreme inconvenience.
Like many machines, especially complex machinery, Victor benefits by being near vibranium. However, overdoing this exposure can also cause a largely psychological dependency in sentient systems such as Victor's, prompting erratic behavior and a potent feeling of need to accumulate more vibranium.