Tony Stark

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Full Name:
Anthony Edward Stark
Iron Man
CEO, Armored Avenger
Quote-open.png Man! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Tony Stark is the CEO of Stark Industries, StarkTech, and any number of Stark-related companies. He also happens to be the invincible Iron Man! While his identity is semi-secret, it's not entirely under wraps, which is different from most costumed super-types.


Initially, most people would probably think Tony Stark to be a wealthy playboy who loves to party and takes few things seriously. They would be correct in some respects, but ridiculously off in others. Deeper than just his surface persona, Tony has worked very hard to cultivate those aspects of himself; in some ways, they are his escape from his inner turmoil. Struggling with an abusive, neglectful childhood and deep-seated inadequacy, Tony is a workaholic who will never see himself as good enough. Depression and disillusion are his constant companions, and it is only through the company of those few he calls friends and, more often, partying and hedonistic new experiences, that he is able to silence the gnawing at his resolve. He believes at least that, as Iron Man, he can make the world a better place, and in his suit, he feels like a hero.


Tony Stark inherited his family's fortune and company as his teenage years came to an end, when a tragic accident cost his parents their lives. Although he was still not ready to take on the responsibility, he stepped up to it in the absence of anyone else and promoted his personal secretary, shifting most of the administrative burden for the moment. He concentrated, instead, on his real strength: developing brilliant tech.

However, during a demonstration abroad of a potential weapon, Tony was nearly killed by an explosion caused by revolutionaries hoping to steal the weapon for their own use. They took him captive and forced him to work, but Tony instead developed the arc reactor that kept his heart beating and developed a prototype version of what would later become the Iron Man armor. Once he escaped the situation, he swore that his company would never again develop weapons of any kind, least of all for any government.

Eventually, Tony became the hero Iron Man to address the frequent super-powered dangers to Tony Stark, and over the years he has developed the suit again and again, altering and improving it repeatedly, until it has become relatively streamlined and super-efficient. He continues to maintain a high profile, both as Tony Stark and as Iron Man, both in the Avengers and on his own.