Tommy Bronson

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Full Name:
Thomas "Tommy" Bronson
Tomcat, Wildcat Jr.
Real Hip Cat
Quote-open.png I already know everything about the famous 'Wildcat' and I can say with absolute confidence that we've got nothing in common. I'm never gonna' put on a fur costume and punch people in the face. Hell, I haven't been in a fight since the eighth grade! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Thomas "Tommy" Bronson is the illegitimate son of the former heavyweight boxing champion Ted Grant, known to some as the hero Wildcat. Unlike his father, Tommy has an active metagene, due to a magical curse that was cast on his father, that allows him to shapeshift into what could be best described as an anthropomorphic black panther. For the most part, Tommy's a casual fellow who's not so interested in following in his father's footsteps...or pawprints.


Thomas "Tommy" Bronson is the result of a short romance between the JSA hero Wildcat and Marilyn Bronson, a bank teller saved by Ted Grant during a robbery, who "thanked" him for his heroics. Tom was born with an active metagene, giving him the powers to shift into what is best described as a werepanther. He discovered this ability while he was still in Kindergarten, when he was frightened by a neighbor's dog. Not wanting to worry his Mom, Thomas chose to keep his powers a secret from her. Worried that his powers could accidentally surface in public, Tom also tried to avoid conflict and fights whenever they sprang up around him.

Tom managed to make it all the way through school without revealing his metahuman powers to anyone. This was thanks due in part to a combination of learning greater control over his powers and his mostly-pacifist nature. Soon after getting out of High School, Tom learned that his Mother had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was also then when Tommy learned the identity of his father, Ted Grant... who was also the hero Wildcat. Unfortunately, after a long battle with her sickness, Marilyn Bronson passed away. Tommy inherited the family Brownstone in Gotham City, as well as a sizeable amount of money from his Mother's savings and life insurance.

With no real ambition or direction in life, Tom took an interest in finding out more about his dad. He read up about Ted Grant, as well as his secret alter ego, Wildcat. Tom even took up an interest in boxing. While he holds no bitterness towards his dad for not being in his life, Tom's chosen to avoid complicating either of their lives by pursuing a relationship, especially when Tom feels he'd be a huge disappointment to someone like Ted. For the moment, Tom's life is pretty casual and unmotivated. He's living on the sizable inheritance from his mother. It's not a rich or rewarding life, though it is a comfy one. But who knows what the future holds!