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Full Name:
Celestis, Phoebus, and Irmus Cuckoo
Stepford Cuckoos, Weapon XIV, Cuckoo Boys, Five-In-One, Four-In-One, Three-In-One, Two-In-One
Young Adult
"Brothers" by NEEDTOBREATHE ft. Gavin DeGraw
Three of the five clones who were meant to be part of a psychic Weapon XIV, but then developed personalities and rejected their engineered fate. Celestis, Phoebus, and Irmus have grown very close while Sophus and Esmond have gone their own way. Retired models, equestrian ranchers, and superheroes, the three brothers live a luxurious and adventurous life.


Originally the five clones had the same rather mechanical personality. However the longer the five were actively pursuing their mission, the more each brother started to differentiate until Five-In-One was a collection of distinct individuals. Gone was the gestalt of five living weapons and in its place a gestalt of five distinct brothers, and all the better for it.

Phoebus: Since Sophus and Esmond left the gestalt, Phoebus has been the more dominant mind and tends to be the de facto leader of the gestalt. He's also become a bit on the aggressive side, though he usually has avenues for dealing with it. He tends to be more direct, both in social and martial matters.

Irmus: Before Three-In-One and the departure of Sophus and Esmond, Irmus displayed little indivuality. Since then, though, Irmus has developed a rather fatalistic streak, and thus very rarely resists the gestalt concensus. He likes to go with the flow and rarely feels the need to assert himself socially either.

Celestis: Having developed a rather affectionate personality, Celestis has also become rather pacifist. His support tends to favor decisions that promote peace and spread harmony. He is the other side of the gestalt see-saw opposite Phoebus. They rarely fight, though debates are often had. In the end, Phoebus is usually swayed enough by the debate that Celestis usually ends up accepting the compromised outcome. He also explempifies 'beware the nice ones' and Phoebus tends to defer to him when he goes on one of his rare 'good is not nice' crusades.


Weapon Plus harvested the genetic material of a powerful psychic mutant and engineered thousands of identical clones. With the intention of creating a powerful weapon of combined telepathic power, Weapon XIV was born. The clones, incubating in special, individual tanks, were in the process of accellerated aging when the decision was made to activate five of them, then at a teenage level of development, to infiltrate Sky High as students. Though initially informed of their fake background to use as cover, as the brothers spent more time among their peers, they began to develop their own personalities and started to internalize the false history and unconsciously alter it until the five had a whole life detailed from early childhood to their present. Even though they are aware of the background's false nature, it feels real to them now. Which is why they rebelled against their Weapon Plus-directed mission and became actual heroes in training in their own right. Their chosen name was Five-In-One due to their psychic link, though staff had started to call them the Stepford Cuckoos due to their resemblence to the Midwich Cuckoo children and the Stepford Wives vibe the siblings had initially before their personalities developed individually. Of course, students overheard this name and it soon spread throughout the school and evolved from an insult into an affectionate nickname for them. With their collective power level so high, Five-In-One was courted by many leaders, but the Five were in conflict as only Sophus wanted to be a superhero, though Esmond was willing to go along with it. This first major schism of the gestalt mind would later fracture the brothers after graduation as Sophus and Esmond went their own way. Phoebus had aspirations of becoming a model while Irmus and Celestis were convinced to go along and found the three of them enjoyed their time. The modeling business is a capricious one though, and the "triplet" models soon found themselves retiring, comfortably with their savings and investments.

The three founded an equestrian ranch, though soon found themselves wanting more. After an incident requiring them to resort to superheroics to protect the ranch and the surrounding environs, they decided to become superheroes.