Theo Rabanne

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Full Name:
Theodore Rabanne
Young Adult
OC (None)
Theodore Rabanne is one of the many sons of the insidious vampire DIO BRANDO, who murdered countless innocents for their blood with as little care as one might eat a piece of bread, and whose evil lives on through a great deal of minions. Lacking his father's devilish luck, can the much gentler Theo hope to separate himself from his father's bloody legacy once and for all, or will Dio's minions manage to pull him into their schemes?


Olympia Rabanne, on vacation in Aswan, Egypt, was one of the many women who had the misfortune to be targeted by the minions of a vampire by the name of Dio -- for his food. Her fiery temper would save her life, however. As it turned out, Dio had decided two things. One, that he should father as many children as he could, as it could be a way to "heaven" -- that is, a way into heaven that would allow him to control it. And two, that the best mothers for his children would be those women who were wholly the opposite of his sweet, kind mother.

No, Dio wanted no saints or "holy women". Dio wanted women who were (by his own literal Victorian standards) "cross, short-tempered", "with no refinement, a foul mouth, and no knowledge of manners". The fiery Olympia Rabanne, who evaded the first of Dio's minions with a kick to his ungentlemanly areas and pelted the pursuer who finally did catch her with insults until she was knocked unconscious, fit that bill handily.

Olympia escaped with more than her life, though; she found out soon afterwards that she was with child. However, she decided to keep it, for whatever reason -- perhaps she was, in the end, won over by Dio's intense charisma. When he was born she named him Theodore (ironic for a number of reasons). He decided as he grew older that he wanted "Theo" as a nickname, since "Teddy" was too childish for his tastes, and he thought "Ted" made him sound like an accountant.

Olympia Rabanne raised the child as best a single mother could. It was a typical childhood for the most part, even if money was tight. Theodore got a job delivering papers as soon as he was old enough, and began to take odd jobs around his neighborhood -- mowing lawns, taking out trash, etc. It wasn't just to help his mother though, it was to better himself. Theo had always had an interest in music and dance, and with the money he made, he was able to sign himself up for both dance and voice lessons at a local studio. At some point in his life he also watched the movie "Labyrinth" and became fascinated with the contact juggling therein, and so he studied that, and developed the great manual dexterity he would come to be known for.

Shortly after turning 17, Theo witnessed a car accident. It was what you'd expect of hit-and-run; a pedestrian was crossing and a car ran a stop sign, hitting the pedestrian and didn't stop. Theo tried to render aid, but his Stand manifested. Which was a little freaky for him, since "Spin Doctors" comes out of his mouth. Imagine if you will, a seventeen year old boy freaking out over someone getting possibly killed right in front of him, only to suddenly have golden spiders start coming out of his mouth. He did fix the person's injuries. And then he ran. Not back home -- he couldn't tell his mother that spiders just came out of his mouth and fixed a person's injuries. She'd never believe him. So he just ran away.

As it turned out, it was precisely this time that the Speedwagon Foundation (a powerful organization that outwardly focuses on medical research environmental conservation, but secretly concerns itself with supernatural matters) made their way to Theo's house. They asked after him, but Olympia hadn't seen him; she feared that he was in trouble, but was assured that no, her son was in no trouble with them. However, they wanted to wait until he returned to say what they had to say.

Of course... Theo never came home. He was too afraid...