Why is it...when you're close to accomplishing something, right in front of you, another barrier appears. Novice swordsmen, all powerful, all killed and fought in far away places. And yet I still don't have the ability to go there. I feel like I'm falling behind! |
— Himself |
Tanjiro hails from the Taisho Era of an alternate Earth's Japan. A tragedy happened to his family there, leading him to become what they called a "Corruption Slayer". He has a tendency to continue to smile on, but deep down inside he is hurting.
kind, compassionate, determination and will not give up once he has a goal to achieve. Very protective of his friends. Despite his kind and understanding nature, Tanjiro does have a limit to his tolerance and has a distaste for rudeness and cowardice.
Tanjiro comes from the countryside of Japan and was born sometime around the start of the 20th century. His family was poor, but they were happy. He lived up in the snowy mountains with his family, of which generations had worked in coal. He had five siblings, his mother and his sickly father, who at one point passed away.
Tanjiro would descend the mountain regularly, once he was old enough and able, to sell coal to the villagers. Whenever he was in the village, he would help the people with certain tasks they they couldn't do on their own. His special sense of smell also allowed him to occasionally resolve issues between villagers.
While Tanjiro was away one night, his entire family was murdered, apparently by one of the Corrupted. His sister, Nezuko, survived, but she became Corrupted herself. The event led him to become a Corruption Slayer, in hopes that he could reverse her transformation and one day avenge his family. He engaged in extensive training to cultivate his skills, including training in the familiar mountain environment. ==Journey==
During one incident involving a deep, dark body of water, Tanjiro was drawn into the water and through time and space, even the bounds of reality. He found himself in the city of Port-Au-Feu, but disoriented due to the tremendous advancement in time and landscape, as well as distinct differences from his origins.
Acrobatic - Competent Level
Athletics - Competent Level
Cooking - Competent Level
Being that Tanjiro comes a long line of coal burners, he has a bit of skills in cooking.
Critical Thinking - Competent Level
Emotional Intelligence - Expert Level
Tanjiro is exceptionally skilled at picking up on the emotions of others via body language and other social cues.
Leadership - Novice Level
Martial Arts - Competent Level
Oral and Communication - Competent Level
Self-Motivation - Competent Level
Swordsmanship - Competent Level
Teamwork and Collaboration - Competent Level
Total Concentration - Expert Level
Tanjiro is able to use an advanced and esoteric breathing technique where a user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their utmost limits. The effects of this technique are detailed in his Abilities.
Power: Adaptability - Enhanced Level
Tanjiro has an incredible ability to adapt in extreme situations, usually opponents who outmatch him. Tanjiro is able to create strategies on the fly when he is in danger. He also has the ability to note tremendous detail of, for example, a fighting style after only seeing it once and may be able to put it to use once he understands its fundamentals. He is also show to have proficiency in hand-to-hand combat despite never practicing martial arts before.
Total Concentration Breathing is a breathing technique where a user inhales the a certain amount of oxygen with a breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their limits. It enhances his physical and mental abilities, like superhuman characteristics, such as strength, speed, stamina, durability and agility, and a faster thought process. It is also able to help stop wounds from bleeding out to an extent and slowing down poison in the bloodstream. The effects of this are described in his other abilities.
Tanjiro was taught by his sensei Sakonji Urokodaki a previous Water Hashira and Water Breathing Cultivator; however, Tanjiro's body was not suited for that breathing style, so he switched to Hinokami Kagura as his main breathing style, but he has not abandoned what he was taught in water breathing as he can use both at at the same time.
Power: Hinokami Kagura - Enhanced Level
The Hinokami Kagura, literally called the Dance of the Fire God, is a Breathing Style. It is the first Breathing Style, Sun Breathing. Tanjiro learned this style at a very young age, after watching his father perform the dance of sorts used to perform it. The dance has twelve segments which are repeated throughout its performance, and it allows the user to avoid exhaustion, making it seem like they can dance forever. Tanjiro knows the technique well enough to teach it to someone else.
Power: Immense Speed & Reflexes - Enhanced Level
Tanjiro has superhuman speed and reactions. He's able to move quickly enough to match entirely superhuman beings, albeit mostly lower-level in terms of power. When angered, he may move faster for a limited time.
Power: Immense Stamina - Enhanced Level
Tanjiro possess an incredible about of stamina and endurance, which in part was made possible through his intense training. He is also able to recover from fatigue by using careful breathing techniques.
Power: Indomitable Will - Supreme Level
Tanjiro possesses a formidable will, able to engage in battle with entities much stronger then him, without mental trauma or spiritual damage.
Power: Strength - Enhanced Level
After he was trained on a mountain, Tanjiro gained superhuman strength in his legs and arms. He is able to leap over some buildings without hurting himself. With his blade, he is able to slice through materials as dense as large trees or even boulders. He is also able to to carry significantly heavy loads.
Tanjiro has an abnormally hard skull. He is able, for example, to head-butt his opponent without harming himself in the process, and the sturdiness of his skull appears to be highly resistant to any form of physical trauma. However, his opponents may suffer concussion or even bleeding.
Tanjiro's main weapon, he uses this sword to fight with. It's a ceremonially special sword made specifically to kill Corrupted with. The blade changes color based on the bearer. Otherwise, in effect, it has no special properties and is just a normal sword.
Tanjiro's sense of smell is hightened. He is able to smell more then a mere human can.
With being a Corruption Slayer he was getting paid, so Tanjiro had a bit of money in his pockets when he was transported to the local reality. He was able to sell these coins to a rare coin collector, so he now has a modest sum of money to live off of.
Tanjiro is from around a century in the past, in Japan. He is regularly surprised by the advancements of human society, which is made even more dramatic by the completely new culture around him.
Tanjiro is a country bumpkin even in his own time. He lived in the mountains of Japan during the early 20th century, and thus has no experiences of life in a more urban area. Electricity and even trains are strange and new to him, and he possesses a shocking amount of naivete about any part of an urban environment.
Tanjiro has an immense temper, and he can sometimes let his anger get the better of him.