For each star that burns in the sky, there is a sigil, and with those sigils, you can healor harm, build or break, it comes down to choice. |
— Himself |
Talon isa Half angelic blooded young man in the process of studying to be a mage, focusing on symbolism, and celestial and holy magics. He is a curious sort and is always looking for someone to train him, and guide him, maybe even to protect him as well.
Talon is kind hearted and maybe a little impish at time, but he always seeks to look for the good in others, and loves the chance to be a supportive person, someone who can help others be as strong or as happy as they can be. Because of this he doesn't look after himself sometimes, and really clings to those who are protective or even possessive, His tendancies to service can make him a bit on the pleasing side, though he does have limits.
Talon was born between an angel of Ussyx, the Celestial Dragon, who left his service in order to live her days with a human sorcerer who spent his time in books and studying the heavens. It is from this that Talon was born, and then when his mother died, or perhaps simply vanished back into the heavens in the way of her people, it was just he and his father until his father fell in love with a bard of some note, the two men loving each other and spending a fair bit of time together. Talon loved them both, but always wanted to make his parents proud in becoming the best mage he could be, so when at the proper time, he was given his mother's texts on angelic magic and sent off to study under the true masters of the craft, with the well wishes from his fathers.
ACADEMICS - Novice: Talon has an average education for those who would live in the land of arcadia, though has not gone into any advanced education.
ATHLETICS - Novice: He can run and jump and manage basic athletic maneuvers, but he is not an athlete.
OCCULT - Novice: For as much as Talon knows about his own magic he doesn't really have a vast wealth of knowledge on magic texts and situations in which that text could be used. Its safe to say he has natural skill without practical application.
RITUALISM - Expert: Is taught in the ways of ritualistic magic, if it is in a book he is able to follow the instructions as it were with ease.
RUNOLOGY - Competent: Talon has an intricate knowledge of Runes and how they interact with each other in spellcasting.
SIGILISM - Competent: Talon is knowledgeable in the crafting of sigils as a magical focus, able to use different ones to craft a spell, magic circles, even divination in some circumstances.
ANGELIC BLOOD - Basic: Talon's mother was an angelic servant of Ussyx, the Celestial Dragon. As such, he is hardier, healthier, and generally more physically robust than he would otherwise be. This also grants him a certain aptitude toward divine or "holy" approaches to casting magic.
CELESTIAL MAGIC - Enhanced: Talon studies the stars and heavily bodies, assigning each point of light a sigil, and constellation, it can produce some very unique effects mainly that of manipulating the world around him, warding, and to some extent offensively. Unfortunately, sigils need to be written quickly and a spell can take a number of these sigils. So it's not very good in combat.
HOLY MAGIC - Basic: He has the magic of his bloodline which allows him to have a manipulation of magic of holy light, able to assist in healing and banishing Evil spirits and the like. He's not all that strong in it however.
ILLUSION - Basic: Talon can change his appearance, though it lasts for only a few hours, and he can't as of yet perform this type of magic on anyone else.
WARDING - Enhanced: Given enough time Talon can make wards, and shields that are pretty good, they'll hold up against al but the larger more creatures. They tend to be weaker against demon blood though since he has to rely on his angelic nature to assist him in crafting these.
ANGELIC TEXTS Talon has inherited his mother's ancient texts of magic, focusing specifically on the holy magic he employs. There are a few rituals documented for healing and teleportation, but they tend to be basic writings.
MENTOR Talon is a student and usually can rely on those with more experience to help him learn.
STYLUS AND INKS Sigilism takes a few supplies that of magical inks and a stylus used for drawing each symbol and rune. Luckily Talon always seems to have some available.
DEMONIC TAINT Talon is sensitive to taint from creatures who serve dark and corrupt gods, what might be simplistically called "demons" of a specifically "evil" alignment for want of a more specific term. If such a creature is near it makes him ill, and it can make him gravely sick if he is touched by its blood.
SLOW CASTER Sigil writing takes time and so he can't just craft a spell on the fly, he has to have them prepared or be given enough time to sketch one out.