Talon Windwalker

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Full Name:
Talon Windwalker
Apprentice Enchanter and Sigilist
Young Adult
OC (None)
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
Quote-open.png For each star that burns in the sky, there is a sigil, and with those sigils, you can healor harm, build or break, it comes down to choice. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Talon isa Half angelic blooded young man in the process of studying to be a mage, focusing on symbolism, and celestial and holy magics. He is a curious sort and is always looking for someone to train him, and guide him, maybe even to protect him as well.


Talon is kind hearted and maybe a little impish at time, but he always seeks to look for the good in others, and loves the chance to be a supportive person, someone who can help others be as strong or as happy as they can be. Because of this he doesn't look after himself sometimes, and really clings to those who are protective or even possessive, His tendancies to service can make him a bit on the pleasing side, though he does have limits.


Talon was born between an angel of Ussyx, the Celestial Dragon, who left his service in order to live her days with a human sorcerer who spent his time in books and studying the heavens. It is from this that Talon was born, and then when his mother died, or perhaps simply vanished back into the heavens in the way of her people, it was just he and his father until his father fell in love with a bard of some note, the two men loving each other and spending a fair bit of time together. Talon loved them both, but always wanted to make his parents proud in becoming the best mage he could be, so when at the proper time, he was given his mother's texts on angelic magic and sent off to study under the true masters of the craft, with the well wishes from his fathers.