I need more power. I want to be able to move worlds and shake them to their foundations. I want enough power in my hands to tear planets from the heavens and place them in a new sky. You want to know who I am? I am Doctor Strange. Sorcerer Supreme! |
— Himself |
Doctor Stephen Strange was once heralded as the greatest neurosurgeon in the world, possibly in history--or so his ego would have had you believe. People in the medical field worship him to this day as a genius of his time. The medical journal in the field of neurosurgery has had many of its contributions from Doctor Strange. But... then he had an accident. It was all over the news: bad car crash, and he ended up in a ditch... then? He vanished from the world.
Now? Now he is known across the multiverse and in the mystic community (or those simply knowledgeable) as the latest and present Sorcerer Supreme. He's a grandmaster of magic and among the most powerful users of the mystic arts that aren't primordial forces. He protects reality from mystical and metaphysical dangers.
Before his accident changed his life, Stephen Strange had a massive ego, driven by his desired success in the medical field career of a neurosurgeon. He only ever took patients that had a chance of success, so as to keep a steady track record. The fame of being a world-renowned surgeon got to his head in the worst of ways. But...then he went to Kamar-Taj and became Sorcerer Supreme after a series of events.
Despite finally realizing that it was never about him, he still has a bit of overconfidence and rarely accepts help from others. However, he is always going out of his way to help others whether they like it or not and cares a great deal about the natural order and people in general. Thus does he guard their reality with fervor.
He can still be a jerk and insensitive at times, but if you work him down enough, it's easy to discover that he has the biggest heart. He's often witty and sarcastic, not above mocking people or using witty banter to drop a tense mood.
A brilliant and dreadfully egotistical and arrogant neurosurgeon and neuroscientist, Stephen Strange was world-renowned and famous for his medical exploits. Until the fateful event of his accident. Strange suffered a car accident from reckless driving, causing him to not only be severely injured, but namely his hands were extremely crippled, effectively ending his neurology career. No matter who he trusted or what he invested in...it seems no amount of modern medicine could fix his hands. Desperate to return to his life, Strange made the journey to Kamar-Taj.
It was here that Strange came across the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme at the time, who saw a worthy student in Stephen. Though it took convincing. Being trained by the Ancient One, Stephen quickly mastered whatever he learned in the mystic arts, though his focus was always the healing of his hands. Regardless, Strange learned more and more of the mystic arts and even saved the school of mages a few times. But...then the Ancient One was apparently killed by a traitorous student.
Thus did Doctor Strange defeat said student, and learn everything he could about the mystic arts, eventually inheriting the Eye of Agamotto and becoming the new Sorcerer Supreme.
His learning did not stop there. From his new position, Strange met and aided a multitude of heroes throughout their quests and stopped so many universal dangers he can't even count them all. One of the most powerful beings in the universe, Strange is often available as a guide, teacher of magic, and great aid in the eternal vigil of defending the world.
ATHLETICS - Competent: While not a gymnast or anything like that, Strange is properly conditioned to handle physical hard work. Not to mention, handle the physical strain of using magic rather easily.
INTELLECT - Expert: Stephen Strange is an extremely gifted, intelligent individual. He has photographic memory and devotes himself to the training of his mind. He's a master tactician and strategist, and he can solve complex problems. While he's not in the top three, he's still one of the greatest minds in the world.
MARTIAL ARTS - Competent: Through his training at Kamar-Taj, Strange has learned multiple martial arts styles and the weapon styles between them. Though he is no martial arts master, he still uses it in great conjunction with his magic as a form of close range combat. He's not the best, but he's good.
NEUROLOGY - Expert: Though he is not capable of neurosurgery anymore, his expertise is still extremely helpful where surgery or bodily damage is concerned.
OCCULT - Expert: Being the Sorcerer Supreme means you also know almost everything there is to know about magic. With his library at the Sanctum and with his many years of practicing magic, there's very little that Strange can't find out. Big demon? He most likely knows the name and how to beat it. Universal threat? Got it. Specific spell? He can teach it to you.
IMMORTALITY - Basic: After besting an archfiend in a bet, Stephen is effectively immortal and does not age. He's forever 30 in appearance and function. Not only that, but he also doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep in order to survive.
SORCERY - Supreme:
DIMENSIONAL MAGIC: This is the magic of the Sorcerer Supreme. This magic is what allows Strange to shape reality to his will, both by creating alternate dimensions like the mirror dimension, or changing the natural world. Truly, his skill in dimensional magic is so awe-inspiring, that truly godlike feats can be accomplished. This is the power that makes Strange the most dangerous threat to a great many universal entities. With dimensional magic, he can resurrect others or heal on a universal scale.
However, using dimensional magic takes a great deal of Doctor Strange's power, and will often leave him physically exhausted and weakened as a result.
DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL: Initially, Doctor Strange needed an item called a Sling Ring in order to craft portals. Now he needs only the thought of where he intends to go. His skill in dimensional travel is so great that he can create a portal or otherwise go anywhere in the multiverse that he wants. He only needs to know where he's going.
PERSONAL MAGIC : Everyone has the ability to learn and use magic, but Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, typically regarded as among the strongest sorcerers in reality. This is the magic that Stephen himself naturally commands, by way of learning the right spells and learning the correct ways to control his enormous supply of energy. He can perform a multitude of basic feats, including telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection, launching energy beams from his hands, conjuring shields, creating platforms, changing his clothing with the snap of his fingers, levitation, detecting magic, and various healing spells.
This also includes animating objects, like a broom or piece of furniture. Not only that, but he can manipulate the elements: earth, fire, air, water, electricity and energy.
UNIVERSAL MAGIC: This is the magic that Strange channels from deific beings that he's made deals with. Such as the Vishanti, Cyttorak, Balthakk, Farallah, Watoomb, and others, such as the Olympian deities or other multiversal powers. With this magic, Strange can channel the mighty power of the god/gods he invokes, giving him a mighty strength to banish both minute and godly beings from this plane or planet and borrow the powers of the being he invokes. He can usually only channel up to a few gods at a time, as too many could be too much of a strain on his body.
CLOAK OF LEVITATION A magic item that, true to its name, is a cloak that allows Doctor Strange to levitate without expending magic to do so. The Cloak appears to possess some sentience, obeying Strange's commands, and is able to act separately from him. Thus, it can help him escape tight situations. It can also act like an additional limb if need be, to grab or hold things at bay. It's not very strong though physically, so it can only help so much.
EYE OF AGAMOTTO This is the amulet that often appears to be hung from a necklace always worn by Strange. The Eye of Agamotto is magically imbued to allow the wearer to be clairvoyant and see through illusions.
KAMAR-TAJ The place where Strange began his journey in the mystic arts. Since the Ancient One's apparent death, Doctor Strange has taken over as the master there as well. For those who wish to learn magic, Strange can be convinced to teach you there. He has many students, and he makes sure each of them are safe from the darkness that comes with magic.
SANCTUM SANCTORUM The Headquarters for the Sorcerer Supreme. The Sanctum is a home for magic knowledge, one of the most significant places in the world if you need anything magic-related. Strange is the master of the Sanctum, and this Sanctum holds a host of items, including arcane objects that Strange has deemed exceptionally dangerous, so he watches over them. And of course, there's the massive magic library of spell tomes and writs. If he's in his Sanctum, there are few things he won't be able to discover.
WEALTH Strange maintains a sizable amount of money from his neurosurgeon days and possesses great personal wealth. As long as he does not spend irresponsibly, he will never have to be materially uncomfortable in his life.
DO NO HARM The Hippocratic Oath that Strange took when he became a doctor. He is hesitant to physically cause harm or pain, or even kill another person. He will always try to talk someone out of their actions or divert them before even attempting violent action. He will defend himself if attacked or will act if life is in danger...but he never resorts to this first, giving his enemies who will not do the same for him an advantage.
EGO He has a big one. He's prideful and confident, and often doesn't take certain people or threats seriously until it's too late or much damage has been done.
GESTURES Strange needs to speak or use arcane gesturing in order to perform magic. If he were tied up and gagged, he wouldn't be able to summon magic at all and would be defenseless.
HANDS The car accident that ruined Strange's life left him with severe nerve damage in his hands. They often shiver and shake. Though it has absolutely no effect on how he uses his magic, it does have an effect on more precise parts of normal physical life. For example, he can never perform neurosurgery again because of the loss of function with his hands. He has a hard time shaving, and he can sometimes drop objects sporadically, especially if they are small.
ONLY HUMAN Despite the godlike power that Strange has come to possess, despite his immortality, he can still be killed as any human could be unless he bolsters himself with magic.
TARGET Being the Sorcerer Supreme paints a large target on your back. Which means that every single evil creature in the universe who's mystically aware of the top dogs in the universe know exactly who to go after. It means Strange needs to stay extremely vigilant!