Stephan Uruz

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Full Name:
Stephan Uruz
Master of Runes
Uruz is a runecaster, a mage whose skill is primarily in crafting runic magic. He tends to be somewhat of a loner, but is often motivated to help people in need. He tends to eschew flashy magic, preferring to not draw undue attention to himself or his abilities. Originally from Sangria, he now tends to travel between worlds, often drawn to whichever one needs his presence the most.


Uruz has learned over the years that keeping a tight reign on his emotions helps him keep his mind in focus, a requirement for being able to work truly effective magic. Since he is aware of the dangers involved in the environments he often finds himself in, he often keeps people at an emotional distance until he has had a chance to feel them out. These two factors tends to make him seem aloof to those he hasn't warmed to yet. He has a quirky sense of humor, and is often given to pranks, has a enjoyment of puns, and often lapses into sarcasm or snark, especially when things are looking grim. However, he tends to be a team player, whether rummaging through his library to answer an associate's question regarding a particular cursed item or using his magical abilities to shore up weak spots in the midst of combat. He rarely talks about his past, and when he does, it's rarely in any real detail or depth. His childhood memory loss is a sore spot with him. He almost never responds to his first name, Stephan, instead insisting people call him Uruz. About the only people he is comfortable using his first name are those he considers family, such as lifelong friends or lovers. He tends to keep discussions regarding his traveling to different worlds deliberately vague, unless he feels that the events might somehow spill across the boundaries between worlds.


Early years

Stephan Uruz had been found wandering aimlessly as a child in Port Au Feu, unable to remember anything other than his own name. When no one came to claim him, he was placed in a local orphanage. Initially rebellous with both the authorities and the fellow orphans, Uruz would repeatedly run away over the years, only to be forcibly returned when caught. The conflict would be exacerbated as odd events would occur around him during times of intense emotion.


A particularly violent outburst of power happened to occur within sight of Mallory Greythorne, who detected the mystical abilities contained within the small child. Agreeing to adopt Uruz, the mage decided that the best course of action would be to train the child to control his power before he ended up seriously injuring himself or others around him. Uruz took to the training well, developing a knack for manipulating energies with the use of rune staves. During this time his mentor also had him train with martial artists, the regime helping to focus and discipline the young man's mind.

The wandering path

After completing his training, Uruz found himself traveling between worlds, occasionally at first, but becoming more and more common. Eventually he established places of residence in each, giving himself bases of operation from which to work. He will stay in each world for a while, sometimes for a matter of days, other times months, before feeling the need to travel to another realm, without calling any place home. While sometimes he feels as though he is anchorless in a larger universe, he believes that his restless nature serves a larger purpose. Often he will show up when he is needed, even though no one may realize it at the time.