Spectrum City

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Spectrum City
Quote-open.png May our unity bring peace and prosperity for all. Quote-close.png
— City Motto

WiP.jpg This page is currently a Work in Progress, and its contents may not be fully approved or accurate on the game.


Rushtowne, CA was a small town that predates Spectrum City by many years. Some time after the millennium, offworlders began to find themselves living there, and the locals were very welcoming. By 2010, Rushtowne was home to a thriving community of those from origins off-planet, and ideas had begun to take shape. Investors were found, and agreements were drawn up. The citizens of Rushtowne were all made part of the charter of a new, larger city; the locals all became reasonably wealthy from this, but much of the money generated went into community development. The goal, to create the most inclusive city in the world. Per rules set out at the time, much of Rushtowne remains untouched, preserved in the face of a huge city growing up around it. That city is Spectrum City, and it has grown rapidly thanks to the many Earthlings and offworlders who have come together to make it the best Earth city that they can. The organization that really kicked things off was known as Coalition of Free Worlds, and it has since entered into a partnership with the city to create a haven for those of all planetary origins.