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Full Name:
Sidekick without a Hero
Are net arrows supposed to fire in reverse? |
— Himself |
Hapless, or possibly hopeless sidekick without a hero.
Sparrow is usually hyper energetic and earnest. He tries to help anyone and everyone he can, and tends to babble a lot, but thinks of himself as a mysterious shadowy hero.
Sparrow was a street kid with a lot of luck, taught to be a thief to steal what he needed to survive and somehow always ended up without consequences. One day he was looking for a place to crash when he found a long unused secret base. A one room studio with a utility belt and quiver complete with techno bow. Further digging revealed that this new base had keys and the like and doors to many strange places, and seemed supplied with everything he needed. So taking it as destiny Sparrow was born.
ACROBATICS - Expert: Sparrow has a natural agility and skill with acrobatics that is quite unusual he can tumble flip free climb like a pro.
ARCHERY - Novice: For some reason rather than using his agility or stealth Sparrow has opted to be an archery style hero. His skill is rudimentary at best.
FIGHTING - Competent: Sparrow has no formal training with martial arts or weapons , but growing up on the streets he's actually quite good at taking care of himself in a fight.
GADGETS/TRICK ARROWS - Novice: If there was a negative skill setting he'd have this. He thinks he's quite proficient with their use, in truth he tends to tie himself up with net grenades and trick arrows far more than his targets. But he does in theory know how to use such things
THIEVERY/STEALTH - Expert: Sparrow has been living on the streets a long time and he's an expert at pick pocketing being unseen, and various other types of stealth, but he only uses his skills for good.
HEADQUARTERS While adventuring Sparrow happened upon an old hero hideout with various equipment such and a Trick bow, arrrow, gadgets. Somehow this base always seems to be stocked with food and equipment and has various exits to very different cities and even worlds.
NAIVE Sparrow is trusting to a fault and gullible he's easily manipulated and talked into believing or doing almost anything.
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