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Full Name:
Quote-open.png You gotta try and think positive. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Sora was born Between Worlds in a place known as Destiny Island. Charged with exploring and helping to protect the other worlds -- such as Superia, Sangria, Arcadia, and Futura -- he is a hero who adapts to reflect the land he's visiting. His most sacred duty is to ensure the sanctity and security of the worlds and the balance between them, helping to ensure that the paths between them remain safe and that no one world threatens any of the others.


Sora is, on one level, just a really good guy. He's pure of heart, not in the sense that he's been totally sheltered his whole life, but in that he really is good and compassionate within himself. He cares a great deal for others, even those he doesn't know, but he'd do almost anything for a friend. He is very open-minded and tolerant of others and honestly doesn't understand the word "hate" on an emotional level -- he's never felt it before. In some ways, he really is still an innocent. He's been through some rough times, but he's always come out with his idealism and good heart intact. He's naturally very straight forward, disinclined to lie or deceive, and rather friendly. He tends to believe the best of others whenever he can and accepts them for who they are quite readily. Everyone has flaws, and so he is not inclined to condemn others for their shortcomings when he knows he has plenty of his own.


In ancient days, a force known as the Darkness arose from beyond the stars. It sought out living creatures and worlds to consume. When it consumed a person's heart, they became shadows of their former selves, heartless minions to the Darkness. Long ago, a wise king named Ansem became one of the first known Keyblade Masters, taking on apprentices to oppose the Darkness. One of these apprentices, Xehanort, would betray the king and banish him into the shadows of the Darkness itself. Xehanort's lust for power led him to tap deeply into the Darkness, corrupting him and the other apprentices and transforming them into shadows of their former selves. Those who had suffered this fate eventually formed the shadowy Organization XIII, dedicated to saving themselves from the Darkness they had tapped into. However, Xehanort secretly craved greater power, threatening to break barriers between worlds and cause chaos and destruction. This unleashed a tide of Darkness on a place called Destiny Island, which existed in a vast ocean Between Worlds.

Sora was born on Destiny Island, where he grew up with his friends and family. However, when he was fourteen, the place was swept by a wave of Darkness, and Sora and several of his friends were drawn into the conflict. Sora was carried on a strange adventure across other worlds. First traveling to Arcadia, there he learned to use magic and to oppose the powers of Darkness that might threaten the various worlds. So, he became a Keyblade Master, wielding a magical Keyblade as a keeper of the ways between worlds and a defender of those worlds. This led him to find various allies, and together they confronted and seemingly defeated Xehanort, though it always remains possible that the villain might return one day. Since then, Organization XIII still exists, though not without occasional changes to its membership and purposes. Sora has met allies and enemies along his way, encountering many strange stories and situations, but he always returns where he is needed and often wanders the worlds, seeking to help each world's heroes and defenders.