Slathan Winters

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Full Name:
Slathan Drake Winters
GEAS scientific officer and Researcher
Quote-open.png It would only take a nudge. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Not quite as young and vapid as he may look, Slathan is a GEAS scientific officer and well-known researcher who works hard to blur the boundaries between technology and the mystical for the betterment and enhancement of humanity and ultimately all life, possibly by Thursday. He also has a life, but it can wait for Friday.


Slathan usually keeps a quiet, ironic demeanor as both mask and shield against a restless identity. While normally a pleasant company, his single-mindedness in the pursuit of his objectives and a strong manipulative streak often come in the way of developing lasting personal bonds, at least with people he personally interacts with on a regular basis. In truth, he's a better long-distance friend. He's however loyal and discreet, having learned young not only to keep a secret, but also to not react to them. This makes him very accepting, and easy to open up to. His secretly proud of the results he's accomplished so far, but his inability to feel satisfaction about them make him an insecure at heart. Thus, while he has little use for fame and admiration, he is adamant in the defense of his vision and accomplishment, thus he easily comes off as arrogant.



Born on some backwater world at the edges of star charts, the fourth orbiting the dying red star called Cottman, Slathan Drake Winters was the youngest of seven siblings, born in a family that could afford less mouths than that. It's no surprise then that when Slathan started showing telepathic abilities his parents were only too happy to palm him off to the Psi-Corps and make him their problem. Just as unsurprising, Slathan was just as happy to leave the icy pebble he was born on, even if he hadn't actually envisioned a career in GEAS. While he struggled with discipline at first, he proved himself to be intelligent, capable and curious, and after the Academy he made a quick career.


Seeking to expand his skills, he arranged for training and work with the Flowers of the Moon. He ended up spending much longer than anticipated in the Gardens, as he demonstrated an unexpected talent in the healing arts and the ability to connect to the Force in his own body. Anticipating a smooth career in Medical, Slathan was brusquely faced with reality when The Planet X Event unfolded, during which he was still training on the Moon. Memories of the hundreds of shattered bodies and minds he'd personally treated and the countless more he's just seen or sensed still drive him to tears, sometimes, when he's alone and exhausted.


This however proved to be the trigger for that moment of inspiration that merged his knowledge, intellect and need into a dream, a possible one. He organized his new healing skills into a style he dubbed 'pattern-shifting', as to be more pleasing to the modern, scientific sensitivities, and in the next years he worked to find more applications for these powers, to put them at everyone's disposal. His breeding of the Caducei trees was the breakthrough he was expecting, although it still took months of testing and boot-licking to secure funding. In fairness, funding increased considerably the more results Slathan brought to the table, and he worked tirelessly to do so. He was reassigned to the Science Division, where he did make that career he'd envisioned years ago and had forgotten since, although it wasn't quite as smooth as he'd predicted. As an officer, he's now ready to truly go all-in to make his dream of making the Force, or the Psionics, or however they may be named a commodity naturally available to all.