Sinclair Kyle

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Full Name:
Sinclair Kyle
Best Catburglar Ever!
Young Adult
OC (None)
Catboy hails from an alternate reality where he, not Catwoman, was the most notorious catburglar around Gotham City and beyond. This is because there never /was/ a Catwoman there. While still on the youthful side, he'd already given that world's Batman the slip on numerous occasions, pulling off a variety of heists that soon saw him land on a few Most Wanted lists. Sinclair Kyle was known as a sharp dresser with a quick wit, and he had a philanthropic side as well. The two did not seem connected in any clear way, but as far as /this/ world is concerned? Both Catboy and Sinclair Kyle are a complete mystery...for now.


Sinclair Kyle can come off as a shallow, cunning, and manipulative man only concerned with himself and the rich, extravagant lifestyle. This would be a mistake to assume. While he plays up the role, he takes an active interest in doing what he can to help those in need, but he keeps much to himself until he feels he can trust someone enough to open up around them. The socialite side is frequently an act that serves the purpose of getting him closer to potential targets of theft, but his charitable side is genuine. Inside is a compassionate man who wants to keep others from being stuck going through the same hardships he did while growing up.

In ways, he is whatever he needs to be at a given time, capable of altering his demeanor to fit the setting, but he is certainly confident in the things he knows he can do. The man does have an ego, particularly when out on the town as Catboy when there is little he thinks he's incapable of if he has a heist or other goal in mind. In this, life is a big game to him, a series of risks to take with the potential for a big payoff when everything goes as planned. Calculated risks, but risks all the same. While he lives by a certain set of morals and ethics, they can vary widely based on what's in front of him and they do not always fall in line with what general society would expect.



As Catboy, Sinclair Kyle gained a reputation as Gotham City's premier cat burglar, one with few peers in the city or around the world. He was orphaned around the time of his early teens after his mother committed suicide and his abusive father drank himself to death. Sinclair had taken up gymnastics as a coping mechanism to work through the family troubles prior to this, but he went through a period of having to survive on the streets after their deaths. While he gained valuable street smarts, he also landed himself in trouble from time to time, leading to him being placed in an orphanage.

Bouncing around in various places for a couple years, he was almost killed when he caught wind of money being embezzled at one of them. Found out, he was tied in a bag and thrown into the river to drown much like a cat, but he managed to escape. Tipping off the police once he had the proof he needed, those responsible for it were busted and the money returned, minus a portion he kept for himself to get a new career up and running: thievery. He was enticed by the thrill of becoming a cat burglar, getting good at sneaking into and out of homes to make some quick money, but trouble found him again.

He encountered a ninja, of all people, on one of his jobs, and he beat Sinclair up pretty well while making off with the score he was after. However, Sinclair tracked him down to a secret martial arts academy held in a warehouse, and the Sensei allowed him to train with them after being impressed with his intuition and determination. Before long, his skills had surpassed those of the ninja he'd first crossed paths with, and Sinclair moved on to other pursuits with his newfound training ready to be put to use.


Batman drew his attention, leading to him developing an alter ego known as Catboy later in his teens. He worked up some costumes, gained access to some tech, and stepped up his cat burglar game. Soon, he caught Batman's eye and the true games were afoot. Nothing thrilled Catboy more than pulling off a heist and giving Batman the slip, and the more he got away with it, the more he became interested in getting to know what made Batman tick. Little did he realize that, as he infiltrated Gotham City's elite as a wealthy socialite, Sinclair would find himself at many of the same gatherings as Batman's own alter ego, Bruce Wayne. If only they'd known the truth as they rubbed elbows at charitable functions and parties.

And then...something happened, drawing Sinclair away from the world where he was Gotham's version of Catwoman, into this one. It was a routine job, stealing some artifact he'd had his eyes on, but he didn't know it was magically enchanted. Upon touching it, there was a flash of light and he was left queasy, but he didn't realize what had happened until he left, the artifact now gone, and noticed certain differences in the world.

With just his catsuit, a single change of clothes, and some equipment to his name along with some carrying cash, he had to lay low and do a few jobs just to start things back up again. He also began to learn about the version of Gotham City he was in, finding it odd that there was someone calling herself Catwoman, but there was still a Batman, still a Gotham social scene, still heists to pull off. There was a newfound thrill in being able to start over, now with multiple years of experience under his belt with him having made it to the end of his teens.