Shane Markham

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Full Name:
Shane Markham
Barista, Bike Messenger, Thief
Young Adult
OC (None)
Shane was raised outdoors and discovered he could do some interesting things. He told no one and used his abilities for his personal gain, all while feeling the tug of desire to help others. He had no role models for what that would look like. Now he makes coffee.


Shane was a friendly, mildly sensitive kid that loved to explore and discover new places and felt a conneciton with animals. His brother was oppositional and took up all the attention from the family, leaving 'easy' Shane to develop into a young adult with minimal oversight. With few close connections, Shane reacted to the development of meta abilities by withdrawing and becoming more cautious, though he doesn't exactly crave isolation so much as he believes it solves many problems. He played sports because it was expected of him by his peer group, most of his life he was content to be a follower, taking social risks only when pushed into doing so. Despite his introversion, in a one on one setting, he is typically friendly and has an attraction to the underdog, wanting to help others when he can still remain at a distance over the long run. He has the capacity to be intuitive, but given his background and the rest of his personality, he somtimes experiences it in the moment as a burden. When pushed, Shane can exhibit an uncharacteristic ferocity. People tend to think he's several years older than his 21 years, likely due to his potential to have a dry sense of humor.


Shane grew up in rural North Carolina with one older brother and exceptionally permissive parents. Despite parenting trends, he more or less raised himself outside of his parents providing rare guidance and food, shelter, clothing. This fostered self-sufficiency at a young age and caused him to withdraw when a mutant ability to move objects with his mind began emerging around age 12. During a friendly game of football he knocked a friend unconscious, most of the kids thought the guy fell, but Shane knew and retreated away from others emotionally. He still engaged in activities, but didn't develop relationships of any depth. After high school he felt unready for college, yet his parents were quite clear that financial support ended at the age of 18. He moved to the city, but struggled to find regular work and ended up using his abilities to acquire items in order to make ends meet. He pushed through some reluctance in the beginning, but like many behaviors he soon adapted to bending and breaking rules to survive. Though various loose connections he managed to attract a small amount of attention from organized groups, but tended to push back on the idea of becoming too enmeshed with others, prefering to be hired for discrete jobs, all while maintaining a low paying job slinging coffee. He's developed more and more moral discomfort with stealing and breaking the rules, but it's hard to break a three year habit that pays the rent.