Shade Lark

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Full Name:
Leafshade Larksong
Shade Lark
Traveling Rogue
Young Adult
Shade Lark is a traveling rogue, styling himself a "relic hunter" of sorts. While he does indeed often explore ancient ruins and recover various treasures, he's also certainly not above liberating the coins from someone's purse if he needs a bit of money for some reason. While Shade is fae in nature, he generally passes himself off as coming from an elven bloodline, just to avoid dealing with the intimidating reputation of the greater fae. A master thief, his services are usually for hire.


Shade tends to be very playful and mischievous, but he is also easygoing and relaxed, willing to accept almost anyone who accepts him. Also high-spirited, he tends to leap before he looks. Often "leaping" headlong into danger, Shade is often forced to rely on quick wits to save his neck. This is partially due to a reckless nature, but mostly it's simply an excess of enthusiasm coupled with a dose of impatience. As the Puck once said, "those things do best please me that befall preposterously." Shade can be a bit of a prankster. He loves to play tricks, usually the kind that make their target look silly, and are designed to make everyone laugh, but nothing that would do anyone real harm. Oddly enough, despite all this he can be quite professional when hired for a job or focused on a task, and his cocky, playful nature almost seems to bolster his abilities in this regard. Quite the curious sort, Shade is always quick to look in upon a scene of interest or investigate an odd sight or noise. His eye is easily caught, as is his fancy, and one may find him hanging around with an undesired interest at the most inopportune times. However, his whimsy is matched by a particular kind of gallantry, and he's as fierce and true a friend as one could hope to find.


Tales of the wandering rogue, Shade Lark, have been circulating for generations. No one knows just where he came from, and in truth he doesn't remember it so well. As a fae, he was as much born by the woods and paths of the world as anything else, and time simply does not seem to stick to him as it does to others. He's not forgetful, per se, but he wears his years lightly and does not dwell much on their passing. So, he's been around quite some time, and he's been earning infamy and renown as a rogue, thief, prankster, and relic hunter for most of it. How long has he been around, exactly? No one is entirely sure, but one could generally ask one's grandfather, and there's a very good chance that he can tell how, when he was a boy, they were still telling tales of Shade Lark.