Sergio Cristella

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Full Name:
Sergio Cristella
Compounding Pharmacist
Quote-open.png Salt is as necessary to my life as a lack of oxygen is to yours. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Standoffish and occasionally crude, Sergio isn't even the square peg to a circular hole when it comes to being a heroic mismatch--he's more like an awkward, gnarled stick. He prefers to keep to his lab and own creative devices when at his day job, but when he puts on the mantle of "Vim," it's easier to see why he insists on being so salty: He's indelibly connected to the energy of life, and therefore sensitive to its global, continued abuse. It's hard to justify helping people so disconnected from the very things that keep them alive.


At-a-distance, the man's a standoffish loner best described as "grumpy," though any sense of him being bitter or intimidating usually ends with that distance. It is, however, a distance he does his best to maintain. There's a sort of understated wildness to him, like a mercurial calm that could on a dime twist into a squall. He's quick to indulge his passions, often animated, vibrant, and bold, clearly believing in the adage "complacency is death." That vigor informs his courage, fierceness, and determination, very often trending towards anger and recklessness, but never malice. The man is truly, ultimately, motivated by a deep well of empathy underneath all of that snarl.



When Sergio was young, his mother spun tales of a grandmother so distant in time, Trena had never been certain just how old the stories were. They were all cut of a similar cloth, where Amalthea--said grandmother--touched a spirit so potent, so transformative, it affected not only herself, but echoed down throughout her lineage. It wasn't a bargain in the traditional sense: Amalthea required nothing of the spirit; she desired neither its power nor its wisdom. In a darker time where spirits were much closer to the world, and humanity was much less safe from their dangers, Amalthea simply displayed a rare kindness the spirit honored with its bond.


A young woman at the time, Amalthea had been foraging in the wilderness near her home when she chanced upon a conflict between two powerful entities--what she termed as a spirit connected to the natural wildness of life, and a demon she knew only as "The Adversary." When it become clear that the former was losing, Amalthea threw herself between them. "I have nothing to stop you, but myself," she said to the demon. "And though I know you may kill me, who am I if I do nothing?" And so the demon laughed and mangled her body with a single swipe. As her life ebbed away, it mingled with the essence of the life-spirit, who took her into its light, and together, they became something new.


As their forms fused, Amalthea began to rise, her body transfigured. Images of all the living beasts Amalthea had ever known danced upon her skin, and she called upon them and their strength to smite the demon and return it to whence it came. Then as if to illustrate the truth of the story, Amalthea's tattoos would then blazon to life over Trena's skin where there had previously been none, and she would lift Sergio into her arms with the strength of a bear, and remind him, "Remember: Who are you if you do nothing? Life must be protected, and when it is time, I will pass this responsibility on to you."


Many times, Trena's brother would listen to these tales, power-hungry and jealous, and swear to himself that the tattoos would be his. Amalthea's comingled spirit could only be merged with one person, and that person held it until their death. He was not so terrible as to plan the murder of his sister, but he had every intention of manipulating events to his benefit. He researched and studied, becoming an accomplished shaman in his own right, but where Marko bound spirits, Trena befriended them. Where Marko demanded and hunted power, Trena requested only what she required--a process she taught to her son.


In the end, Trena's good standing and agreements among spirits prevented Marko from using them against her, and he was forced to bide his time. That time came in a great battle where both Marko and Trena together barely defeated one of The Adversary's minions. But this time, Marko hesitated at a critical moment, and Trena was mortally wounded. As she lay dying, "Teach him," she begged of her brother. "Teach my son." In that moment, Marko attempted to summon the departing spirit into himself, and for the first time, he heard its powerful, genderless voice.


"Not you." He was rebuffed. Infuriated, he then tried to forcibly anchor the spirit to himself, but was again rebuffed. "Not you." And the spirit departed, navigating the ether, drawn to a now-teenaged Sergio, with whom the new merging began. In the following years, Marko would continue to accumulate power, aggressively attempting to draw Amalthea's strength from his nephew, but in the end only fulfilling his sister's dying request. The attacks would force Sergio to constantly defend himself, learning faster, becoming better, if more cynical.


Even moving into university with the help of extant family as well his mundane father became a process of quiet warding and constant spiritual tutelage. This instruction and gentle nudging would eventually press him into the instruction of medicine and alchemy--additional ways to assist in the defense of life. In the end, he would ultimately became what Trena had always hoped for: A man never willing to stand by and do nothing, passionate and energetic in its defense, sometimes regardless of the cost to himself.