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Name: The Sentinels of the Emberwing Order
Leadership: Sentinel Council
Area: Arcadia
World: Unknown

The Sentinels, or Tel'tiristar in the Elvish tongue, are an order of mystically-enhanced warriors who serve the Emberwing Order, the region's most prominent sect of magic-users. To be a Sentinel is to dedicate one's life to the care and protection of a single Sorcerer, a role that can manifest as fraternal protection, parental guidance, or even romantic love for the Sorcerer under the Sentinel's charge. The tradition of this sacred Bond stretches back to time immemorial, and its power is said to be unbreakable.


The Sentinels are bound inextricably to the Emberwing Order, which they serve without faltering. Each Sentinel beyond Rank 1 is Bound to a Sorcerer of the Emberwing Order, and the loyalty of that Bond is absolute. The Sentinels hold no other affiliations beyond this one, and many eschew all other personal ties beyond this.


The history of the Sentinels is largely a mystery. What is known is that they have existed for centuries beyond even Elven records, since well before the Great War. For all that time they have, as a group, had no dealings in politics or warfare, instead only serving the interests of the Emberwing Order. Some individuals may have, partnered with their Bonded Sorcerers, engaged in such activities, but the history of the Sentinels as a whole is a silent, stoic one that betrays few memorable moments to history and even fewer secrets.


The Sentinels are ruled by the Sentinel Council, a body of seven specially elected Master Sentinels who work closely with the leadership of the Emberwing Order to make certain that the Sentinels are able to best serve and support the needs of the Sorcerers of the Order. Master Sentinels and Guardian Sentinels also play important leadership roles, serving as intermediaries between the Council and the majority of the Sentinels' membership.


The Sentinels are an ancient order with great financial resources, though most of their power is derived from association with the Emberwing Order, the most widespread and powerful order of magic-users in the Bay of Omens region. To be a Sentinel is to be supported by many allies, many having vast personal power and resources at their command.

Sentinel Abilities

Sentinels are granted unusually great strength of body and mind, the ability to sense and resist magic without actually casting spells, the ability to sense danger and see past deception, and intensive martial training. Their physical strength is often the stuff of legend. Once Bonded, a Sentinel stops aging. So long as he/she is bonded to a Sorcerer, the Sentinel will not age at all until the bond is broken, either intentionally or by the death of the Sorcerer. The Bond also conveys on the Sentinel the ability to sense empathically the physical and emotional state of the Sorcerer to whom she/he is bonded, and through the Bond the two may communicate telepathically at will.

The Bond

A Sentinel swears a powerful Oath to serve their Sorcerer. Until an apprentice Sentinel is bonded to a specific Sorcerer, their Oath falls to the Sorcerer whom the apprentice's Master Sentinel serves. For example, students of Noria Rune serve her bound Sorcerer, Avethorn Vorridon. When the Sentinel is Bonded to a Sorcerer of their own, the Geas passes to that Sorcerer (or Sorcerer's Apprentice). The Bond requires the Sentinel to protect the life and safety (though not necessarily the happiness or comfort) of the Sorcerer whom they serve. It should be noted that, while it is said that the Sentinels serve their Sorcerers, and indeed, it is true that Sentinels do assist their Bonded Sorcerers in attaining their goals and accomplishing what they wish, this is not so one-sided as it might sound. Sentinels have been known to give orders to their Sorcerers, particularly when it is done to preserve the Sorcerer's safety. In some cases, Sentinels have even been known to impose acts of penance upon their Sorcerers if they judge that the Sorcerer has dishonored the Bond by disobeying orders given by the Sentinel to preserve the Sorcerer's safety.

Admittance & Advancement

One must seek apprenticeship with a Master Sentinel and be accepted to enter into service. Once this is done, the new Rank 0 Sentinel will begin training and learning the ways of the Sentinels; this usually lasts from roughly the ages of 11-16 years old. This continues for several years, from roughly the ages of 17-21. (Ages are given in Human years.) Once a Sentinel has attained Rank 1, s/he may be bonded to a Sorcerer's apprentice if the masters of both agree that the two are ready. A Sentinel must be raised to Rank 3 before s/he may be bonded to a full (Journeyman) Sorcerer. The rank of Guardian Sentinel is awarded to those who have proven themselves to the order with continual, loyal service. Sentinels of Rank 0-1 report directly to their Master Sentinel (though in some rare cases, Rank 4 Guardian Sentinels are allowed to take apprentices). Sentinels of Rank 2-3 report directly to the Guardian Sentinel assigned to them. Guardian Sentinels and Master Sentinels report directly to the Sentinel Council.


  • Rank 0 - Initiate
  • Rank 1 - Apprentice
  • Rank 2 - Probationary Sentinel
  • Rank 3 - Sentinel
  • Rank 4 - Guardian Sentinel
  • Rank 5 - Master Sentinel
  • Rank 6 - Member of Sentinel Council (the title of "Master Sentinel" is retained)