Sebastian Santos

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Full Name:
Sebastian Santos
Would-be Hero
Stray Cat Strut (The Stray Cats)
Pride is the child of two worlds, not exactly fitting in in either, but internally driven to do good. As a Sky High student, he's inspired to follow in the path of long-established heroes as a way of finding out who he is and how best to find his place in the great scheme of things.


Sebastian is very much a light-hearted, thoughtful young man. He is always eager to find the silver lining in any storm cloud, and he has a great need to be gregarious and find new and interesting people to meet. He can be too curious for his own good, at times, and sometimes he is beset by mercurial moods where he will be uncharacteristically quiet and pensive, or melancholy. Nevertheless, he has a tendency to return to center, and although he doesn't appear to be the kind to have choleric reactions, he does tend to become enraged when in the presence of an injustice. Sebastian can also be somewhat of an iconoclast, but this side of his personality tends to come out in the shape of gentle humor, seldom resorting to vitriol.


Child Of Two Worlds

Sebastian is the son of Josefina Santos, an accomplished scientist and astronaut who was presumed missing after a freak accident caused her shuttle to disappear in the middle of a mission. Unbeknownst to Earth, she had been transported by a spatial anomaly to the planet Ngo, where she lived for several years and where became involved with Tsarevo, an Ngoan nobleman. At the onset of the civil war, Tsarevo was able to secure transport to Earth for Josefina through his cousin Tsavo's connection to the Crucible Academy. Tsarevo, however, was not able to join Josefina on Earth, as his transport was lost, his fate unknown. Nine months later, Sebastian was born.

Child Of Earth

As the world's first Ngoan-Human hybrid, Sebastian did not have a 'normal' childhood. From a very early age, it was clear to him that his destiny needed to be among the heroes who kept the world safe from harm, and he grew up idolizing quite a lot of them, promising to himself that one day he would be just like them. An active, inquisitive and intelligent child, Pride grew into an optimistic, eager and idealistic young man, and when he was enrolled to attend Sky High, it seemed to him that he was at the beginning of the greatest adventure of his life. Perhaps someday he, too, will be a hero that others look up to and are inspired by. And, perhaps, one day he will go into the great beyond, as many heroes do at times, and find out what truly became of his father.