Sam Winchester

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Full Name:
Samuel William Winchester
"Carry On Wayward Son" - Kansas
Quote-open.png When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Sam Winchester is the younger brother of Dean Winchester. Like Dean, albeit more reluctantly, Sam is also a demon hunter. He considers himself more on the "brains" side of the operation even though his brawn tends to come in handy in a pinch. Sam is good-natured, kind, and tends to wear his heart on his sleeve.


Sam is different from his older brother in that he is sensitive, rational, more innocent, and seemingly more concerned with living a "normal life" than his brother; in spite of this, it is obvious that he would do anything for Dean. He rebelled against his father's attempts to raise him as a demon hunter and enrolled in Stanford University after having a harsh fight with his father. Sam likes to talk things out when there is trouble. He attempts to find out both sides of the story and then decide what could be done to prevent as much collateral damage, like human lives, as possible. Sam often asks others to share what they think and feel and it is seen that he has a knack for getting people to trust him.


When Sam Winchester was an infant and his brother Dean was four years old, their mother, Mary, was murdered. Her husband, John, saw blood dripping onto Sam's cradle, looked up, and found his wife pinned to the ceiling, her midsection sliced open. A moment later she burst into flames. John told Dean to take baby Sam outside and made a desperate and futile attempt to save his wife while the house was consumed by flames.

After a psychic told John that a demon was responsible for Mary's death, he became obsessed with finding the thing. He trained his sons to recognize and defend themselves against paranormal entities. Sam and Dean became resourceful sleuths and competent fighters in order to assist their father in his quest to destroy dangerous creatures and find the demon that had killed Mary.

Sam eventually had a falling-out with his father and left to live a "normal" life. He attended prestigious Stanford University on a full scholarship and lived with a girlfriend, Jessica, in an apartment near campus. Then one autumn night in Sam's senior year, Dean appeared, bearing the news that their father had gone missing while on a "hunting trip." Sam reluctantly agreed to help Dean look for their father.

The brothers traced John to Jericho, California, where they found more clues about their father's location and helped solve a murder mystery. But Sam declined his brother's invitation to continue the search and conduct more hunts, opting instead to return to his life with Jessica. Unfortunately, shortly after arriving in his apartment he found her pinned to the bedroom ceiling and bleeding from the abdomen. As Sam watched helplessly, she burst into flames.

Dean rescued his brother from the burning apartment, and the bereaved Sam decided to resume the search for the demon who killed his mother and his girlfriend. The Winchester boys then picked up the trail of clues leading to the whereabouts of their missing father.