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Full Name:
"Sakura Drops" by Utada Hikaru
Quote-open.png The vast sage desert undulates with almost imperceptible tides like the oceans." - Frank Waters Quote-close.png
— Himself
Sage is a recovering amnesiac whose world was lost to darkness. Since being taken in, he's begun training in the use of the Keyblade and shows a great deal of aptitude for sorcery. Sage hopes that in his travels across different worlds, he'll one day come across a clue to his own past or what really became of his home.


Sage is quiet and reserved, and he often loses himself in his quest to discover his past. He does his best, though, to live in the moment, and truly is a kind soul.


Sage was the young prince of a far-away world, the son to kind and loving parents who lived in a palace among a lush forest. He lived a mostly idyllic life, spending his time in the gardens or communing with elemental spirits or reading as many books as he could get his hands on, wanting for nothing and surrounded by king and generous people. He used his talents for music to bring joy to others and often would take walks to visit the people in the forest village.

His world was unprepared for the onslaught of the darkness when it came. The creatures were relentless, and despite such fearsome beasts and terrible odds, Sage used his healing magick to bolster the soldiers until he had no energy left. The darkness claimed his world, but by the strength of his heart, he was able to drift away to another world.

When he awakened, Sage had no memory of the attack, or of his life before in the kingdom. His last moments before were but a distant, fading nightmare, unreal enough to beggar disbelief, yet it was the one memory he still had of his life before. Finding himself at the Castle of Delights, Sage would put his effort into recovering and mastering the Keyblade, the first step in the journey of discovering who he is and where he came from.