The vast sage desert undulates with almost imperceptible tides like the oceans." - Frank Waters |
— Himself |
Sage is a recovering amnesiac whose world was lost to darkness. Since being taken in, he's begun training in the use of the Keyblade and shows a great deal of aptitude for sorcery. Sage hopes that in his travels across different worlds, he'll one day come across a clue to his own past or what really became of his home.
Sage is quiet and reserved, and he often loses himself in his quest to discover his past. He does his best, though, to live in the moment, and truly is a kind soul.
Sage was the young prince of a far-away world, the son to kind and loving parents who lived in a palace among a lush forest. He lived a mostly idyllic life, spending his time in the gardens or communing with elemental spirits or reading as many books as he could get his hands on, wanting for nothing and surrounded by king and generous people. He used his talents for music to bring joy to others and often would take walks to visit the people in the forest village.
His world was unprepared for the onslaught of the darkness when it came. The creatures were relentless, and despite such fearsome beasts and terrible odds, Sage used his healing magick to bolster the soldiers until he had no energy left. The darkness claimed his world, but by the strength of his heart, he was able to drift away to another world.
When he awakened, Sage had no memory of the attack, or of his life before in the kingdom. His last moments before were but a distant, fading nightmare, unreal enough to beggar disbelief, yet it was the one memory he still had of his life before. Finding himself at the Castle of Delights, Sage would put his effort into recovering and mastering the Keyblade, the first step in the journey of discovering who he is and where he came from.
ATHLETICS: Novice - Sage has only just begun to learn how to defend himself, including how to quickly evade attacks and traverse difficult environments.
COOKING: Competent - Sage is a pretty good cook, provided he's able to get his hands on worth-while ingredients. If he's roughing it, it's not quite as easy for him, but he can still make palatable meals.
INTELLECT: Expert - If it's in a book or computer, odds are Sage can find it. He excels in academics and is the type to actually enjoy studying! He's skilled in hunting down information, and absorbs it just as quick and methodically.
MAGIC: Competent - Sage is a naturally adept mage and uses his aptitude for research and investigation to bolster his knowledge of the innerworkings of various types of magic.
MARTIAL ARTS: Novice - Sage is just learning how to defend himself.
MUSIC: Competent - Sage is blessed with a good ear for pitch, and is skilled in both singing and several instruments, mainly with piano and the harp.
WEAPONRY: Novice - Sage has only just begun to learn how to defend himself using weaponry.
ELEMENTAL: Enhanced-level Magic - Sage is adept in the use of magic to conjure the powers of many various elemental forces.
HEALING: Basic-level Magic - Sage is able to use his magic to heal the wounds of others, but it is not able to do exceptional feats of healing such as the regrowing of limbs or raising the fallen.
SYNTHESIS: Basic-level Magic - Sage is able to create potions, elixirs, and keychains through synthesis by using the latent energies within other items to create something new, however he is extremely new to this process and most of his endeavors seem to end in unpredictable ways.
WARDING: Enhanced-level Magic - Sage is quite skilled in the use of magic to manipulate energy, such as in the use of barrier spells and wards.
GATE BETWIXT: Basic-level Power - Sage is able to form connections through space and time, though exactly how he does it is still somewhat of a mystery. With the aid of his Keyblade, Sage can connect doors using Gates. This power, however, only works with the most accuracy when attempting to travel to a place he's already been before, otherwise, it could be quite dangerous for Sage to attempt this ability as he might end up lost in one of several spaces betwixt worlds, many of which are dangerous, harrowing, and potentially inescapable places.
KEYBLADE: Enhanced-level Weapon - This key-shaped blade can open nearly any lock, physical or otherwise, and is a powerful weapon against the creatures of darkness. It is linked to its owner's heart and grows in strength as its wielder's heart grows. It can also be dismissed and recalled, and cannot be taken from its owner under most normal circumstances. The Keyblade can also be used to open gates between different places. Sage's Keyblade can change in appearance and weapon style by crafting or finding sentimental or charged items as a keychain.
FRIENDS - Sage grows stronger by forming bonds with people. Whether it's a physical bond of fighting together with his teammates, or even just knowing he has people to protect and fight for, his friends are a great part of his strength.
KEYBLADE WIELDER - As a Keyblade Wielder, Sage has access to the same resources as other Keyblade Wielders, such as the Castle of Delights, the use of the Kingdom (a spacecraft) to travel between worlds, and the assistance of other such Keyblade Wielders.
AMNESIAC - Sage awoke in the Castle of Delights with only the memory of an all-consuming shadow enveloping him and the tumultuous dissonance of screams and chaos all around. He doesn't remember his home, his family, his friends, or anything else that happened before then. This makes it hard for Sage to trust others, given the ease any given enemy would have in taking advantage of his blank memory, and it also means that he has forgotten much of what he once learned and has had to, for the most part, start over from scratch in rediscovering things from such areas of study!
FRIENDS - His loyalty and thoughtful nature means his friends are also potentially a great weakness and most likely the easiest way for Sage to be manipulated by evil-doers.
SHADE SICKNESS - Whether it is a form of PTSD ingrained in Sage from the trauma of losing his home, or perhaps an effect of his contact with the darkness in said event, being around large sources of dark energy brings about nausea and terror in Sage. Prolonged exposure seems to react almost like a toxin, even!