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Full Name:
Young Adult
OC (None)
Ryldin is a very friendly person for one of his race, preferring to think of others as friends even before meeting them. He has a very bright, optimistic and energetic personality. He's a leatherworker, spending most of his days making various things that require leather although he does dabble in a little bit of magic. He mainly knows enchanting and a little bit of healing. He's very eager to learn new things and experience as many things as he can.


Ryldin is everything a Dusk Elf really probably shouldn't be. Kind, polite, friendly, outgoing, optimistic, eager to please. However, there are times where he can be a bit of a mischevious guy, he rather likes playing what he considers 'games' with people which may contain things like stealing or playing simple pranks on others. But never anything that would be considerably bad. For example, he would never steal from someone he doesn't know, or steal something he wouldn't have been given anyeway like a cigarette for smoking or a piece of candy. Small things. He is very passionate about is craft, and tends to act like a mother hen when it comes to his craft he'll get on people's cases until they take better care of his precious leather.


Ryldin grew up in the deep underground network that his race call home. He never really came aboveground too often, and usually only to apply trade when the market was never enough to fund him. He grew up with his mother an father and lived fairly well with his family. He had a rather unexhaustable thirst for learning, and reguarly sought out everything he could upon everything. It is how he found his love for working with leather, having been an apprentice for several years and picked up the profession quite quickly. He now tends to go from place to place selling his wares and trying to find work as well as trying to find new experiences and knowledge.