Rykard del Santo

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Full Name:
Rykard del Santo
Psychic Martial Artist
Young Adult
"Nemo" by Nightwish
Rykard del Santo.png
Born with the gift of second sight, Ryki (as he is known by his friends) is a precog with limited control over his ability. Receiving glimpses of the future, he can foretell significant events - some fixed points in time and others with the potential to be altered. Having moved to Port-Au-Feu from L.A. during high school to escape certain events in his past, he is now a junior instructor at a local martial arts studio.


The Making of a Mentalist

Rykard was born... in a place. No, really, not even he has any idea of what his actual birthplace is. His earliest memories are of an orphanage in California, before he was adopted by a wealthy Brazilian couple who had moved to the United States and gained citizenship. They had no luck with a child of their own and chose to adopt one, rather than go through the expensive and potentially ineffective IVF options that were abundant in California. Growing up in Los Angeles went much as one would expect it to go, but Rykard never forgot his humble roots even though his parents were wealthy. Having money at his disposal was something he was always cognizant of and he never took it for granted, like so many others around him.

In order to stay active, Rykard decided to join a martial arts club at an early age. This eventually developed into a passionate study of Okinawan martial arts, specifically karate and later kobudo with a bo staff. He excelled at it, often feeling like he could predict his opponents' movements before they made them. The reason for this quickly became clear as something odd happened to him around the time he entered high school. All of a sudden, in his dreams and sometimes even while awake, he would get glimpses of events that would come to pass days, weeks or even months later. These glimpses left him weak and exhausted and he never shared what was happening to him with anyone.

Keeping silent about his visions changed one day at school, when he was suddenly overcome by a series of images in his mind playing out like a video. He watched, frozen, as the science wing of his school was set ablaze. For the first time, he felt compelled to act and shared his concern with the teacher in charge of the science labs. Days later, after Rykard's warnings were ignored, an entire section of the school caught fire, the result of some careless experiment gone wrong. To his relief, no one was injured. However, the blame for the event was quickly placed on him even though he was nowhere near the science lab when it took place. Once he was accused of arson, his parents immediately came to his defense, insisting that the school was looking for a convenient scapegoat and not admitting their own lack of attention and hazard policies were at fault. Although he was able to avoid any permanent consequences, Rykard learned a valuable lesson about sharing what he saw with others.

In the weeks that followed, Rykard's parents arranged for him to move to the New England town of Port-Au-Feu, on the opposite coast and far from the eyes of any who knew about the fire. Given that he was a minor and they were rather fond of their global travels, they convinced his grandmother to take responsibility of him and move to the east coast as well. She agreed and thus began his new life in Port-Au-Feu, where he graduated and soon took up a position as an instructor at a local martial arts hall.