Roy Harper

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Full Name:
Roy W. Harper
Speedy, Arsenal, Red Arrow
Boy Bowman
Quote-open.png Technically, we had Arrow-themed vehicles before Batman really committed to his motif. I show off the guns, Robin shows off the gams. Everybody's got something they do well. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Occasional sidekick to Green Arrow, Roy is best known as Speedy. Recently, he has also begun working solo under the names Arsenal and Red Arrow, and sometimes his original Speedy name. Whatever handle he goes by, he's one of the surest, quickest shots in the world...with a bow or otherwise. He prefers using archery and trick arrows to accomplish his goals. NOTE: To be sure, I a) do not have children, b) am not an addict, recovering or otherwise, and c) do not have tattoos everywhere.


Roy is boisterous and overblown, but he's engaging and friendly. He finds it easy to make friends, although he's the type that easily makes a number of acquaintances and finds it often difficult to maintain any relationships. It's rare that he allows anyone too close, perhaps out of reflex. He enjoys thrills and novel experiences, though perhaps most of all, he wishes for reliable presences to fall back on. Because of this, anyone who has managed to win his trust will find their efforts repaid by a complete confidence and reliance. Roy does not buy into anything just because "that's the way things are" or any other transparent justification of tradition; he prefers to try and see for himself.


Roy Harper=Roy Harper was adopted by Oliver Queen at a young age and made into Speedy, Green Arrow's sidekick. Little was ever known of his history or lineage, but it was never relevant to Roy's life; he preferred to live in the moment instead of being fettered to a past that meant nothing to him. After helping to establish the Titans, he worked occasionally with them and with Green Arrow as he simultaneously strove to establish his own distinctive identity separate from either. He continues to work for the cause of good and right today.