Rokk Krinn

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Full Name:
Rokk Krinn
Cosmic Boy
Member of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Young Adult
A star magnoball player on his homeworld of Braal, Rokk Krinn became a founding member of the Legion of Super-Heroes when he, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl saved the life of billionaire R.J. Brande. Cosmic Boy is a dedicated Legionnaire and its most famous leader, known as the heart of the Legion even when not front and center. He is an extremely powerful magnetokinetic.


Really deep down, Rokk Krinn is a big nerd. He sometimes fronts as stern, sometimes as authoritarian, sometimes he comes off as brittle, sometimes as Team Captain alpha-jock, but he's really a shy guy who likes trivia night and history books and D&D and old movies (he may be a bit of a hipster when he lets his hair down). He's a relentless optimist, believing that as long as you're alive, there's hope, and he's got a bottomless love in his heart for pretty much everybody, especially his compatriots in the Legion. His devotion is powered by a strong will, a magnetic moral compass, and the fact that he is the sort of leader who will never ask anyone to do something he isn't willing to do himself.


Rokk Krinn of Braal was actually born on Earth (to Braalian parents) and the planet always held a place in his heart. During his early teenage years, when Braal was suffering a period of economic hardship, Rokk decided to travel to Earth to find work. While he was doing so, he helped two other young people foil an attempt on the life of billionaire R.J. Brande, and with the billionaire's support, they became Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad, the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Cosmic Boy was the first leader of the team, and is still considered its archetypical leader by many.