Robin Kane

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Full Name:
Robin Kane
Independent Investigator
Young Adult
OC (None)
Kane is the offspring of a devil and a human, who works as an investigator in Port-Au-Feu. He's a scrappy dude, and he knows how to get things done. Usually.


Kane was born from a devil mother and a human father, though he only lived with them for the first couple of years of his life. He remembers very little of either, since early on, he was given into the care of the Carnaval de la Lune Minuit, an old-fashioned and beloved circus based in Port-Au-Feu. Unknown to most, it was and is a place largely controlled by vampires and some other supernatural beings.

Kane's mother and father vanished from the city, and at the time, the city had certain issues with secrecy and corruption, resulting in it being very difficult for Kane to find out information about them as he grew older. He opted to stay with the Carnaval, though he didn't perform and instead helped with things behind the scenes. Eventually, he decided that if he was going to investigate the disappearance of his parents and other old business, he might as well make some money doing it. He never formally made a business, but when he put the word out, people started showing up. Kane found himself looking into more and more things and, sometimes, finding out a detail here or a bit of something there that he could apply to the vast puzzle of what drove his parents from Port-Au-Feu, and where they might be now.