Rinirath Twel

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Full Name:
Rinirath Twel
Dimensional Cargo Hauler
Young Adult
OC (None)
Born in Futura, Vath discovered at a young age that his father had been born in a different world, Sangria, and Vath had to learn to live in both worlds. Having returned to the future, he combined his knowledge of magic and technology, and now he travels between the various Worlds, offering cargo and transport services to those in need of them and otherwise serving as an interdimensional adventurer.


Vath is kind but slightly unknolidgeable. His 10 years is sangraea meant that he forgot some of things about futura, his home dimension. Sometimes he is clueless about some technologies. Overall, he does try to help people the best he could.


Rinirath Twell was born on the colony planet Cerulean to Kalla and Sam Twel, both miners. Life was quite normal. Rinirath went to school, went home... It was normal until the environmental dome above them collapsed. They all thought they were going to die when the world fell into darkness. The family all awoke in the back of a beat up old starship, and when they looked outside, there was nothing but a shining white void. They discovered that his father, Kalla, had ended up in this dimension by accident. His own world was strange, made up of outlandish, primitive technology, and it was called Sangria. But instead of technology, there were monsters. They were forced to travel, using his father's dimensional transport ship, known as the Lawbreaker, to travel to Sangria. For 10 years they stayed there, stranded, not knowing what had happened to Cerulean and its colony.

Finally, Kalla found another link to the future and discovered that Cerulean was completely destroyed. Sadly returning on the trip to Sangria, their ship was intercepted by a warship by the name of Nightmist Arcanite. The captain said that Cerulean was destroyed, but his fleet had rescued the residents 10 years ago, and they had began to settle a new world, Rallaeus. Excited, they went there, intending to find the people they had known, but to their shock, no one remembered them and it was as if they had never existed. To this day, no one is sure what happened, but after that it was different. His father taught him how to build a starship and enchant it with the same magic he had used to enable his own to travel between worlds. He decided to call himself Vath, a combination of his grandmother's name, Valyon, and his own, and after a bit, people sought for him for help. He decided he would help people. Now he is a freelancer, but people with the right information about him will pay him to transport packages and messages between worlds, and if they pay the right price, people as well.