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Full Name:
Reynarde D'Geste
Phantom Thief
Young Adult
A creature of shadow and illusion, a notorious phantom thief, a young gentleman socialite, Reynarde is all these and more.


Reynarde's life has always been cloaked in shadow. His exact origin is obscured by the layers of false identities which he has worn across the past decade. At various times he has claimed to be English, French, Japanese, and American. There are records of his crimes throughout the world, spread across a dozen different countries. What can be gleaned through this veil of uncertainty, however, is that he was born in a small town somewhere in the old world. He later ran away to a large city, where he fell in with a local group kitsune. These city foxes taught him how to better control his illusion powers and how to use them to get what he needed to survive. By his mid-teens, however, he had grown disillusioned with his fellow kitsune. Reynarde wanted to do more than simply scrape out a life at the edges of society; he wanted to make a name for himself, living and thieving by his own personal code. The leader of the city kitsune tried to dissuade him from this dream, afraid that it would draw unnecessary attention to their kind. Yet Reynarde was adamant in his goals. He struck out on his own, with the goal of becoming a famous phantom thief. The remainder of his adolescence was a cycle of success and failure, triumphant thefts and narrow escapes from the law. And while early on he failed more often than he succeeded, as time passed he learned from his mistakes and grew ever more skilled. Finally, by the time he had reached his young adulthood, he had become a true master thief. His current identity, by far his most famous, first appeared four years ago, during the heist where he stole over thirty paintings from a private estate. What made this theft different, however, was the long-form letter he sent to the estate owner, giving the day and time that he planned to strike. Since this time he has continued this trend, sending messages to his potential targets before striking. His more notable exploits include emptying a bank vault without opening it, and stealing a ruby which he had previously replaced with a fake.