Ray Terrill

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Full Name:
Raymond C. Terrill
The Ray
Solar Son
Swimming in Sunshine
Son of the hero of the Golden Age originally called The Ray, Raymond Terrill inherited his father's light based powers and has taken up the heroic mantel and name of The Ray.


Ray's been released from a prison of darkness that he spent most of his young life believing would always cage him with the revelation that not only his he not deathly allergic to the sun, but he is in fact a Superhero. He's free and he embraces that freedom, probably more than he should. Ray's more than willing to throw himself into new situations and experiences and to push the the boundaries, not just of his powers, but of his expectations, his prior experiences, and his beliefs in himself and who he is. After all when your entire life has been a lie you're much more prone to reexamine your own truths on a semi-regular basis.

Ray's intelligent and generally outgoing, but sometimes tempered by the fact that he's inexperienced in simply being around other people and out in the world at large. When he's thrust into new situation he'll either embrace the chance to learn and throw himself right into the mix if he's feeling confident in his own knowledge of it or he'll hang back a bit from it, try to figure it out from the sidelines as it were or find someone to ask that he trusts to help him understand.

When it comes to more academic knowledge things he thought he knew and understood based on study might suddenly be completely different in practice than what he thought he knew. He's curious about those differences and willing to learn what he doesn't know or fix those things his own understanding has led him astray on.

When it comes to social norms and interpersonal interactions he's entirely unversed and uncertain in just how most other people relate to each other. This is especially true among various groupings that don't involve a parent/child or teacher/student relationship as most of his world consisted of his 'father'/uncle Thomas and a pair of tutoring nuns. He has some knowledge from books of course, but reading about what having a best friend is like and actually having one or actually being one are entirely different things. He's still figuring it all out.

Due to the sheer amount of lies in his past Ray suffers from an odd mixture of naivety and caution. Thanks to his inexperience in real world situations and interactions, he can be lulled into trusting in things that he shouldn't so long as the reasoning seems fairly sound or the source is someone or something he's inclined to believe in. On the flipside he can sometimes be unduly cautious or outright disbelieving of things that are absolutely true because they just don't seem to make much sense to him, otherwise completely defy his expectations on the subject or it comes from a source he's already disinclined to trust. Thank his Dads for that.


The True Life of Ray Terrill

Ray Terrill grew up believing certain things about his life were true. Ray was born with a deadly allergy to the sun, exposure to any strong light in general would kill him. Ray was raised by his father and educated by a pair of ordinary kindly nuns. Ray had no superpowers. Ray was definitely an only child. Ray's mom was dead. Ray also had a bit of minor celebrity as the "Night Boy" in news media. All of this was a lie. Except the Night Boy part, that was only based on prior lies.

The Real True Life of Ray Terrill

The truth was that Ray was actually the son of the original hero to go by the name of the Ray, Langford "Happy" Terrill. At birth it was discovered he had somehow inherited his father's light-based powers and had absolutely no control over them. For the safety of himself and others from himself and others, the story of his sun allergy was concocted and he was thereafter raised by his father in a house with blacked out windows and was schooled by ordinary kindly nuns until his father died and revealed the truth. Sorta.

The Actual True and Real Life of Ray Terrill

In reality his "father" was actually his uncle Thomas that Ray had been left with by Langford for "reasons." The kindly nuns were helping to prepare Ray for some destined meeting with a being of pure light energy that was responsible for Langford gaining his powers in the first place. Langford showed up, not dead, did some more lying to get Ray to better understand and embrace his powers. More truths were revealed among more lies along the way. Disasters were averted, villains were fought and eventually Ray confronted the light entity and sent it on its way without it destroying the earth.

All Truths Revealed, Ray Terrill's Future Looks Bright

That brings us to the present, where newly emerged hero The Ray has burst onto the scene. His past now an open book and his future bright as the sun, he draws powers from. He's looking to find his place in the world that's now opened up to him since all the lies are finally gone. Oh, wait. Remember that part where everything but the "Night Boy" thing was a lie? Where Ray is definitely an only child and his mom is dead? Don't tell Ray. He doesn't know those are lies yet. Shhh.