Quinn Chase

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Full Name:
Quinn Chase
The Cat
Wiley Cat Burglar
Money- Ivy Levan
Quote-open.png I stole those jewels, fair and square. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Quinn Chase is a young man of unknown age. He does not, officially, exist, having hired the services of an excellent hacker to delete or replace his files with false information saying he died at birth. He has an apartment under a false identity, and is, by all appearances, decently well off. The Cat is an up and coming catburglar, along the same vein as the infamous Catwoman. Whether he's her sidekick, appentice or a rival moving in on her territory and schtick remains to be seen.


Quinn is quiet, a little shy-seeming and unassuming. Life hasn't always been easy, and it's been an uphill climb to reach a point where he has a sense of self worth. The Cat, however, is seductive, playful and empowered, willing and able to take what he wants, when and how he wants it, and not afraid to bruise a few knuckles in the process. He always uses non-fatal methods to achieve his goals, and won't kill except in the the most dire of circumstances, such as to save an innocent's life when all other options have been exhausted.


Abandoned on a Gotham church's doorstep in infancy, with no note and no name, the person who would come to be known as Quinn Chase didn't have an easy childhood. The Christian Children's Home he was raised in could be downright brutal when the rotating staff of foster parents weren't around. Eventually, he learned to fight. Food was scarce, as the home was under funded, with the owner pocketing much of the funds meant to feed the children, and so Quinn soon took to sneaking to the kitchen after everyone was asleep, just to get a little more to eat.

Eventually, around age 10, he was caught, and locked in the attic bedroom with no food or water as punishment. They didn't expect Quinn to slip out the tiny window, out onto the rooftops, and begin a life of crime. But he did, and it was glorious. What started as smash and grabs soon became more sophisticated, becoming pick pocketing. His daring exploits came to a crashing halt at age 13, when he was unfortunate enough to pick the pocket of a circus acrobat, who chased him down and got PART of his story out.

That acrobat, having had a hard life herself, took Quinn under her wing, teaching the boy everything she knew, having seen his natural gifts and wanting to nurture them. When Quinn disappeared after a few weeks, said acrobat wasn't surprised when Quinn ended up back on the streets... but now Quinn was more skilled. In time, and with skill, Quinn set up a new life for himself, crashing in abandoned buildings for several years until he had managed to squirrel away enough ill gotten gains to hire a hacker, The Mouse, and use her skills to forge a new identity for himself.

With that done, and with a real base of operations, Quinn was able to upgrade his poorly made costume to something better, more able to withstand damage, thanks to Mouse's contacts in the underworld. Now, by day, he's Quinn Chase, a quiet, unassuming young man who keeps to himself and keeps slightly odd hours. But by night, he's The Cat, a costumed criminal prowling the rooftops of Gotham for ill-gotten gain, and occasionally using his abilities to help those more down on their luck than he once was.