Quincy Tyril

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Full Name:
Quincy Keldas Tyril
Monster Hunting Ranger and Adventurer
Young Adult
A Monster Hunter, who has a tendency to be a 'Monster Humper'. And also an adventurer humper as well. Quincy was a young adventurer who was brought up by a society of monster hunters, and trained in the ways of a scout and ranger. Given the blessing of the Goddess he follows, he's able to charm Monsters to his aid, or to pacify and distract them. Of course, it doesn't always work as intended...


Quincy is a warm-hearted, friendly person. Being a hunter, he enjoys animals, but understands that he has to hunt to survive. Since he's become a monster hunter, he's shown discipline and dedication to his cause of hunting and taking down evil monsters. However, he has a peculiar tendency to attract monsters to him in more...intimate ways. As dedicated as he is, he tends to fall for monsters that put the moves on him...much to the chagrin of his allies, and occasionally, himself. Most of the time, he doesn't mind it, though.


Quincy was brought into his family's branch of an order of monster hunters, called the Order of Twilight, as a teenager. At the time, he also met a teenaged dragon-boy, whom he 'dated' for some time. The experience gave him an odd craving for breeding monsters, which he's of course had to fight for the entirety of his career. He nearly failed his exit test for becoming a true hunter, until the monster he was laying tried to slay his sister. He's also had several monster 'boyfriends' in his career as a hunter. A bit against code, but what the Order doesn't know, won't hurt them, right?