Peter Parker

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Full Name:
Peter Parker
Young Adult
Also known as Webhead, Spidey, That Menace... Hi, I'm Spider-Man. You might know me from such films as "Spider-Man". Only I'm much cuter now. I promise. Don't let the mask scare you off.


Peter's basic nature is that of a shy, well-meaning and somewhat geeky young man. He's deeply interested in science, pop culture and all things nerdery. He spends a lot of time on his computer when he's not out superheroing or doing homework. He desperately wants to fit in, to have friends and someone to care about, but he's not really sure how and he's had a lot of stumbles along the way.

As Spider-man, he's more confident. Behind the mask and using his powers, he's witty and sarcastic. He uses his sharp mind more as a weapon and less as a place to hide. Regardless of persona, he's an extremely compassionate, good-hearted and even oddly noble young man. He always try to do his best and honor the memory of his uncle.


Peter Parker was orphaned at a young age and ended up being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Bright, awkward and a bit shy, Peter excelled at school but didn't make a lot of friends. He preferred the company of books and his chemistry set and his computer. As a teenager, he and some other kids went on a trip to an experimental science lab. At the lab, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider, an accidental exposure no one knew about. The result gave him spider-like superhuman abilities.

Peter used these abilities selfishly at first, trying to make money and get a little fame (although he wore a mask to try and keep his identity secret). After failing to stop a burglar, though, he learned a hard lesson when that same thief broke into his family's home and killed his Uncle Ben. Realizing his mistake, Peter vowed to fight crime and never let such a thing happen to someone else.

Since then, Peter has gained a reputation as a hero, although some call him a menace. He earns extra money as a photographer for a newspaper, having earned the place with pictures of Spider-Man. Now attending college, he tries to balance his busy life and superherodom - sometimes well and sometimes not.