Parker Ross

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Full Name:
Parker Ross
Burger Flipper & Man of Mystery
Burger flipper extrordinaire, Parker Ross has a secret: Every night, he puts aside his Big Belly Burger apron and leaps into action as the Spectacular Spider-Boy! Watch out, evildoers! Justice comes with a side of fries...and the unfortunate whiff of onion.


Confident, enthusiastic, impetuous, reckless...all of these can be used to describe Parker. Also Cheerful, earnest, loyal, and goofball. Parker is all these things and possibly more. His personality is still being hammered out in Real Life, as opposed to the implanted education and experiences he got in stasis. But, as of right now, he is a confident, profoundly loyal young man with a cheery disposition and a reckless impetuousness that for anyone else would be dangerous. Parker tends to act first, think later, and ask questions after the fact. He could definitely benefit from the advice and instruction of other, more experienced superheroes.


Parker Ross was born in fire and smoke, in the bowels of a secret Cadmus facility....

Dramatic, right? Seriously, though. His first memory is coming to amid a -ginormous- explosion, with fire and smoke roaring around him as he stood on the wall and the remnants of a glass tube on the floor below. He himself was wearing a blue bodysuit marked with a very definitive shield, albeit empty. Who knows what that was about. The only clue he had to anything was maybe his identity, as the codification on the tube read 'Parker/Ross 013'. Assuming Parker Ross was the name he couldn't remember, he proceeded to beat feet out of that facility, fighting all kinds of weirdo things on his way out. Ask him about it some time. He loves to tell the story.

Okay. Where were we? Oh, yeah. So, Parker beat it out of that place and found himself homeless in the big city of Metropolis. (Which he both knew and somehow had no memory of.) Being homeless sucks. It's cold, and Parker got hungry for the first time he could remember. With no money in that fancy bodysuit, he was forced to scavenge from obliging dumpsters.

It was during one of these dives that he was found by Obie Griffiths, a former Special Forces soldier who was rebuilding his life in the kitchen of Big Belly Burger. He fed the kid, and was going to send him on his way until Parker stopped an armed robber with his bare hands. Then the ex-soldier knew he had something special in Parker, and took him under his wing and into his meager apartment.

When Parker told Obie his story, Obie was certain taking the kid in was the right thing to do. Cadmus did some shady shit, and it wasn't unlikely that they'd make a super-kid. Even if the kid didn't have any of Superman's abilities. His powers seemed to be more gravitational-based, albeit spider-like in execution. He got the kid a job at his restaurant, and began the slow process of unraveling Parker's short history.

Parker was thrilled to learn he had actual powers, having discovered the internet and the posted videos of the Spider-Man. He convinced Obie to train him as a crimefighter, learning everything quickly and using his powers almost instinctively. He figured out a way to approximate the webbing his hero used, although his was deployed with a cartoony-looking gun (which he LOVES, thank you very much). Some modifications to his bodysuit, adding a spider emblem and red webbing patches, and he was ready to take on the world as the Spectacular Spider-Boy.

He still has to work his scheduled shifts, though. No one gets a free pass.