Paco Ramone

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Full Name:
Francisco Ramone
Hero & World-Class Dancer
Young Adult
"Let the Music Play" - Shannon, "Touch Me" - Wish feat. Fonda Rae, "Rockit" - Herbie Hancock, "I Can't Wait" - Nu Shooz, "Come Go With Me" - Exposé
Paco Ramone, also known as Vibe, is an incredibly agile, able dancer specializing in breaking, otherwise known as breakdance. He operates as a member of the Justice League after being recruited through a renewed initiative to find and train young, independent heroes.


Francisco Ramone, or Paco as he prefers to be called, was born into an average enough family in Detroit. He grew up with multiple siblings, closest to his brother Armando and sister Rosita, and became involved with the unfortunately named gang El Lobos. His powers gave him a significant advantage in fights that came up and earning respect among the Lobos, and inevitably, Paco became the leader.

His first act as leader was to change the name to Los Lobos.

Then he worked on trying to influence the members of the gang into becoming a more positive force. He did not, as a rule, hesitate to use his powers to give him a great advantage in every circumstance, but he didn't use them indiscriminately, working on his focus and finesse. The gang wars that had previously pervaded the city were, at least for the moment, greatly reduced.

When the Justice League implemented a new initiative to identify and train young heroes, Paco was one of the first invited to join them. Initially, he turned them down due to concerns about affiliation with authorities and concern that they did not understand the circumstances of the common people he grew up around, but a personal appeal and coming together to help his brother won him over. Tentatively at first, he joined the Justice League and sought to better himself and, through that, better the lives of all those who believed in him.